中東に平和を! 4: 中東の紛争のあらまし 1

< 1. ISIL=Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant >
< 1. ISIL=イスラム国 >
We look at the outline of conflicts in the Middle East
< 2. Air strike of the Syrian Army >
< 2. シリア軍の空爆 >
Tracing the history of the conflicts
Now, our prime concern seems to be a cruel armed group ISIL, and frequent terrorism.
The rise of ISIL was started from a civil war of Syria in 2011.
This is due to that Syrian royal family that severely oppressed the domestic democratization intensified the armed struggle.
Furthermore, it was due to the democratization "The Arab Spring" that started in 2010, and the Iraqi War that continued from 2003 to 2011.
When this democratization succeeded in several countries, non-democratic countries (monarchy oil-producing countries) in Arab played the oppression against it all at once.
The Iraqi War under the leadership of the United States defeated dictator Hussein, but it produced many armed groups within the country by the breakdown of order and the exhaustion of the economic blockade over a long time.
Islamic extremists that had battled in Afghanistan with receiving help of America in early times came back to the Middle East, and battled as anti-Americanism and anti-Establishmentarian.
< 3. The Arab Spring >
< 3. アラブの春 >
But there is flash point from before
One of that is a sequence of following incidents, the overthrow of the Iran government in 1953, the Iran-Iraq war from 1980 to 1988, and the Gulf War against Iraq in 1990.
The United States intervened in all cases, foiled the democratic reform, provided military aid to Iraq and led the outbreak of the war.
This has supplied a large quantity of weapons to the Middle East, and caused the social dilapidation.
Furthermore, the deep distrust was implanted in people's breast.
In addition, the deterioration of security caused the prevalence of Mafia and smuggling, and it became the money source of radical extremists.
Another one is Palestinian issue.
Since the nation-building of Israel in 1948, Arab countries fought against Israel four times, and it has extended over Lebanon before long.
This has intensified military attack and terrorism between Israel and Palestine.
As a result, Palestine has weakened, and the refugees run away to Arab countries.
Thus, The Arab came to hate the U.K. that permitted the nation-building of Israel, and the United States that continued to support Israel.
In Palestine, a Judaist, a Muslim and a Christian had coexisted peacefully until the 19th century.
< 4. The Gulf War >
< 4. 湾岸戦争 >
The European and American intervention in the Middle East began at colonial times of Britain and France.
In the cold war era, the opposition between the Soviet Union and the United States, and the oil generation enlarged the intervention more.
Of course, the Soviet Union (Russia) strikes a blow for another, and provides the military aid.
The United States contributed to many conflict resolutions as the world police over the past century.
It was the United States to have led a peace negotiation of Palestine most.
Nevertheless, like the Korean War and the Vietnam War, there were light and shade between these military operations.
On the next time, we look at the peculiar problem that intensifies the conflict in the Middle East.
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