Thursday, April 21, 2016

Cruise of the Mediterranean Sea and Canary Islands 8: Cloud and wind, or sky and sea

< 1.No1 >
View of the rising sun from our ship on the Atlantic on the way to Tenerife island from Casablanca.

This video footage is 20 seconds.

I will introduce various sceneries that we could see only in Cruise from now on.
This theme is “Cloud and wind”, and it is beautiful gift of nature that highlights sky and sea.


< 2.  Map indicating the photo locations >
< 2.写真の撮影地を示す地図 >
The numerical value in the map is it of photos.
The red number indicates the photo that I took on the way to Tenerife island from Genoa.
The white number indicates the photo that I took on the way to Rome from Tenerife island.


< 3.  The upper photo is No.2, the lower it is No.3 >
< 3.上はNo2、下はNo3 >
No.2:  View of the rising sun from our ship on the Mediterranean Sea on the way to Barcelona.
No.3:  At little distance from Barcelona.

No2: バルセロナに向かう地中海上で見た朝陽。
No3: バルセロナの近く。

< 4.  The upper photo is No.4, the lower it is No.5  >
< 4. 上はNo4、下はNo5 >
No.4:  In Barcelona.
No.5:  View from our ship on the Mediterranean Sea on the way to Casablanca from Barcelona.

No4: バルセロナの町中で。
No5: バルセロナからカサブランカに向かう地中海上。

< 5.  The upper photo is No.6, the lower it is No.7  >
< 5.上はNo6,下はNo7 >
No.6 and No.7:  View from our ship on the Mediterranean Sea on the way to Casablanca from Barcelona.
The sea in that day became the swelling wave, and our ship continued rolling all day.
When we went in the Atlantic, our ship often continued rolling, but I didn’t get seasick.
When I walked through the ship, except in the case of my wobbling slightly wasn't problem.

No.7:  A ship like a cargo boat is seen out at sea, but I almost didn’t see a ship on the sea.

No6、No7: バルセロナからカサブランカに向かう途中の地中海上で。

No7: 沖に貨物船らしい船が見えますが、洋上で船に巡り合うことはほとんどなかった。

< 6.  The upper photo is No.8, the lower it is No.9  >
< 6.上はNo8,下はNo9 >
No.8:  Hassan II mosque in Casablanca before noon.
It mists with the sea breeze.

No.9:  The big wave from the Atlantic is lapping the shore of Casablanca in the afternoon.

No8: カサブランカのハッサン2世モスク、昼前。

No9: カサブランカの海岸に打寄せる大西洋の大きな波、午後。

<  7.  The upper photo is No.10, the lower it is No.11 >
<  7.上はNo10,下はNo11 >
No.10:  View from our ship on the Atlantic on the way to Tenerife island from Casablanca in the afternoon.
No.11:  At little distance from Tenerife island in the morning.
We can see two vanishing ships like a ferry that seems to connect with remote islands.
I could not see fishing boat on the sea.

No10: カサブランカからテネリフェ島に向かう途中の大西洋上、午後。
No11: テネリフェ島の近く、朝。

< 8.  No.12 >
< 8.No12 >

The snow and sea of clouds of Mount Teide in Tenerife island in the afternoon.

< 9.  The upper photo is No.13, the lower it is No.14 >
< 9.上はNo13,下はNo14 >

It was immediately after departing from Tenerife island in the early evening.
This weather turned bad suddenly when visiting at this port in morning and departing from it in an evening.


< 10.  The upper photo is No.15, the lower it is No.16 >
< 10.上はNo15,下はNo16 >
No.15:  Madeira island in the afternoon.
No.16:  It was immediately after departing from Malaga port at noon.

No15: マディラ島、昼。
No16: スペインのマラガ港を出航直後、午後。

A part of reasons why I chose this cruise tour was that I wanted to see the stormy Mediterranean Sea of winter, and also see the Canary Islands that was involved with a beginning of the Age of Discovery.
My wish was fulfilled.

This continues next time.




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