Monday, April 4, 2016

Bring peace to the Middle East! 3: About the Middle East and Arab

中東に平和を! 3: 中東とアラブについて


< 1.  Arabian actor >
< 1. アラブ人俳優 >

Today, we easily look at the Middle East and Arab that we will talk about from now on.

The scenery of the Middle East

< 2.  The nature >
< 2.中東の自然 >
Upper photo:  Negev Desert in Israel.
Central photo:  Jordan.
Lower photo:  Saudi Arabian desert.

There are a lot of hot and dry places in the Middle East, but there is green in highlands, oasis and great river basins.

上の写真: イスラエルのネゲブ砂漠。
中央の写真: ヨルダン。
下の写真: サウジアラビアの砂漠。


< 3.  Agriculture >
< 3. 農業 >
Upper photo:  Wheat field in Turkey.
Central photo:  Date palm of the banks of the Nile River
Lower photo:  Sheep raiser in Iran.

The human started agriculture in the Middle East.

上の写真: トルコの小麦畑。
中央の写真: ナイル河畔のナツメヤシ。
下の写真: イランの牧羊。


< 4.  Economy >
< 4.経済 >
Upper photo:  Souq (market) of Doha.
Central photo:  Oil plant in Iran.
Lower photo:  Dubai.

The economy of the Middle East was the agriculture and livestock farming since ancient times, and caravan trade was added to it later.
Over the past a century, the oil brought vast wealth to a lot of countries, and these accomplished the economic development.

上の写真: ドーハのスーク(市場)。
中央の写真: イランの石油プラント。
下の写真: ドバイ。


< 5.  Big city >
< 5. 大都市 >
Upper photo:  Baghdad in Iraq.
Central photo:  Jerusalem in Israel.
Lower photo:  Cairo in Egypt.

上の写真: イラクの首都バクダッド。
中央の写真: イスラエルの首都エルサレム。
下の写真: エジプトの首都カイロ。

The range of the Middle East and Arab


< 6.  The map >
< 6. 中東とアラブの地図 >
Upper map:  I call mainly a part of deep green (a small range) the Middle East.
Lower map:  The deep green shows Arab countries.

The Arab means people speaking Arabic, but Berber, Black, Jew, and Christian also live in Arab countries.
Turkey and Iran belonging to the Middle East are not a country of Arab.

上の地図: 私は濃い緑色の狭い範囲を主に中東と呼びます。
下の地図: 濃い緑色がアラブ国家です。


About the religion

< 7.  Islam >
< 7. イスラム教 >
Upper photo:  Worship in a mosque.
Lower photo:  The sacred book Koran was written in Arabic.

The Middle East excepting Israel and the Arab countries are Islam.
The Islam is a world religion that was born last, and Muslim worships same one God that Judaism and Christianity do.
As for this religion, the religious power permeates the society deeply, but it hasn’t religious power structure in a lot of cases.
Many religious precepts continue to remain in the society, but man being like the Pope of Christianity doesn't exist, verifies this fact.

上の写真: モスクでの礼拝。
下の写真: アラビア語で書かれた聖典コーラン。


< 8.  Muslim country >
< 8. イスラム教徒の国 >

The Islamic world extends to east and west around the Mediterranean Sea and Indian Ocean.

< 9.  Religions of the world >
< 9. 世界の宗教 >
Two maps:  The distribution of religions of the world.
地図 : 世界の宗教分布。

Lower graph: Religion having maximum population in the world is Christianity, the second is Islam, and the third is Hinduism.
The total becomes 66% of world population.

下のグラフ: 世界で、一番宗教人口が多いのはキリスト教、ついでイスラム教、ヒンドゥー教です。

Short history of the Middle East and Arab
This area became large Islamic Empire in about the eighth century, after that, the Islam world still extended, but soon it split into some countries.
And the Ottoman Empire of Turk ruled this area from the 13th century to early the 20th century.
The most of this area became each colony of Britain or France since the middle of the 19th century, and these countries became independent after World War I, but the two countries managed these.

This continues to next time.



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