地中海とカナリヤ諸島クルーズ 7: ジェノバ 2
< 1. We were a departure from this port just before sunset >
< 1.日没前に出港 >
I introduce the boarding our cruise ship and the departure from this port today.
< 2. Genoa Port, by Google Earth >
< 2. ジェノバ港、グーグル・アースより >
The blue frame shows a terminal of MSC Cruises and a Cruise ship.
The red frame shows the area where we went sightseeing today, and it was surrounded by a castle wall in the Middle Ages.
< 3. Finally, we board to our cruise ship >
< 3. いよいよクルーズ船に乗船 >
Central photo: The old-looking terminal building of MSC Cruises is seen on the left.
Lower photo: Our Cruise ship.
真中の写真: MSCクルーズの古風なターミナルビルが左手に見えた。
下の写真: これから乗船する船です。
< 4. Our boarding procedure in the terminal building >
< 4. MSCのターミナルで乗船手続き >
Upper photo: In the first floor at about 13:00.
We deposit our suitcases here, and these are carried to our room before the evening.
Central photo: A procedure counter is seen in the backside of the 2nd floor.
There is a sales store of the convenient drink packages before going to the counter.
But, it is not necessary to purchase it hastily here.
Later, we can purchase it in buffet-style restaurant.
Lower photo: We do the boarding procedure on this counter.
We had to wait in line for a long time, because the most of the passenger should go on board here.
We get the cruise card in exchange for our passport respectively at this counter.
The processing was early.
Our payment in the ship is possible all with this card.
This card serves as our identification and the room key.
The restaurant and table where I have to go for meals is appointed in the card.
上の写真: 13:00頃、1階。
真中の写真: 2階の奥に手続きカウンターが見えます。
下の写真: このカウンターで乗船手続きを行います。
< 5. Let’s board it! >
< 5.さあ乗船! >
Upper photo: I go across a bridge, and board this huge ship.
Here, I went through a security check, and my card immediately was necessary.
Central photo: I put our baggage in my room, and went a buffet-style restaurant for a late lunch after 15:00.
Lower photo: For the emergency drill, we bring a life jacket of our room and have to go to appointed room in time that a broadcast has appointed.
The room for the emergency drill is different in each room, and there is mention at the door of our room.
If you show your card, a person in front of all elevators can tell you where to go.
上の写真: いよいよブリッジを渡り巨大な船に乗船します。
真中の写真: 部屋に手荷物を置き、15:00過ぎに遅い昼食をブュッフェでとりました。
下の写真: 避難訓練の時間が放送されますので、部屋の救命胴衣を持参して向かいます。
< 6. Introduction of our cruise ship 1 >
< 6.クルーズ船の紹介 1 >
This time, we get on a ship, Fantasia.
It is 333 m in total length, has 14 floors only on the deck for the passenger, and the passenger surpasses 3,000 people.
My first impression is clean, big, and new.
Our room was a cabin with balcony in the twelfth-floor.
Cabins of this ship are 11 kinds, and the dimensions of each cabin are further different.
The first impression is open and comfortable room.
I was slightly uneasy due to only using shower, but came to think that it is usefully soon.
< 7. Introduction of our cruise ship 2 >
< 7.クルーズ船の紹介 2 >
This shows standard equipment for passenger of the ship that this MSC Cruises have.
This ship had everything, but I thought that I cannot enjoy it all due to too spacious.
< 8. Views of Genoa from the cruise ship >
< 8.クルーズ船からジェノバを見る >
Upper photo: The cityscape to the right side from the center is the place that we went sightseeing today.
上の写真: 中央から右手の町並みが、今日、観光した場所です。

This video footage is 15 seconds.
< 9. We are departure from Genoa soon >
< 9.いよいよ出港 >
The departure was 17 o’clock, and many passengers regretted at parting.
Before long, I noticed that we had been surrounded by many foreign passengers.
< 10. Departure >
< 10. 出港! >

This video footage is 18 seconds.
We part from Genoa, go to Barcelona tomorrow, and we are departure to long cruise coming back to Italy, Rome ten days later.
I introduce the details of the cruise ship later.
This continues next time.
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