Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Travel to Tottori prefecture 4: Sanbutsu-ji temple of Mt. Mitoku

鳥取旅行 4: 三徳山三仏寺

< 1. the main hall of the temple is seen to the left >
< 1.左に本堂が見える >

Today, I introduce a more Japanese style of mountain’s temple.
I had a good experience here.


< 2.  I visited the inside of a red frame of this guide map  >
< 2. 三徳山案内図、赤枠を拝観 >

About Sanbutsu-ji temple of Mt. Mitoku
This here was in the place where we slightly went up a rivers flowing through Misasa hot spring.
Various 16 halls were built in a line between the elevation of 240 m on the 900m high Mt. Mitoku.
Lower than the main hall (the red frame of the map) are Buddhist temples, and upper than it are seminary’s halls for mountaineering asceticism (Shugendo) built on the steep ridgeline.
The beginning was said that the Nageire Hall (national treasure) was built by En no Gyōja in the early of the 8th century.


< 3.  appearance of some Sanbutsu-ji temples >
< 3. 三仏寺の様子 >

< 4.   the main hall of Sanbutsu-ji >
< 4.  三仏寺本堂 >

Upper photo:  The main hall on right side.
We can go up to the seminary’s halls for mountaineering asceticism from the right side of the main hall.
Lower photo:  Inside the main hall.

上の写真: 右手に本堂。本堂の右手から修験道場へ登る。
下の写真: 本堂内。

< 5.  a Kongou-Zao-Daigongen ( god statue) of Shugendo, by HP >
< 5. 金剛蔵王大権現、国重要文化財、宝物殿、HPより >

This was made in the 12th century and enshrined in the Nageire Hall.
I saw it for the first time and was surprised at the dynamism and the realistic face.

This face is same as the fierce look of Buddha statues, and the fabricator is father of Unkei that was representative of Buddhist sculptor of the Kamakura era.
En no Gyōja began the mountaineering asceticism Buddha statues just had spread in Japan.
He learned Buddhism at the first, before long aimed at mountain worship, and realized the Kongou-Zao-Daigongen of Japanese god.
This statue is a deity only in Japan, but the fierce look is same as Myoo of Buddha statue.



< 6.  a view of the Nageire Hall from the place shown with a blue frame of the map
< 6. 地図の青枠で印された投入堂遙拝所から撮った投入堂 >

It is splendid that this is made in a hollow of cliff and is Buddhist architecture of the 12th century (the late stage of the Heian era).
I was not able to go up to the seminary’s halls for mountaineering asceticism because I was light-duty garment.


I didn't know this place is so wonderful place until I go to this temple.
Even more than the scenery, it was important to have known the relation of Myoo, Kongou-Zao-Daigongen, En no Gyōja and father of Unkei.

This continues next time.





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