ピケティの資本論 26: グローバル化を越えて 1
< 1. a Spanish general strike at 2013 >
< 1. 2013年、スペインのゼネスト >
Until now, we saw two positions of the middle class that has held the key of a reformation of society.
From now, we look at the consciousness of "globalization" that became the biggest wall.
A problem is not that the world becomes one by globalization.
True problem is to be divided into the person who uses it positively and profits, and other person who keeps in one's country and is indifferent to the harmful effects.
In this situation, would the problem be solved naturally?
Piketty says that global taxation is indispensable for correction of the disparity.
However, when hearing “globalization“, many people may think as affairs of other people and shrink away.
Furthermore, businessmen and economists who have clear sailing under present conditions must have refused promptly the suggestion of Piketty.
The more the suggestion is important, the more they will do so.
An important thing is to know the harmful effects and benefits of the globalization, and to ask how we should handle.
Is globalization evil?
We see some typical evils.
Hedge funds being active behind the scenes: A large quantity of speculative funds is scattering around evils all over the world.
Asian Financial Crisis that speculator George Soros brought on is a typical example, as I mentioned to it between the 18th and 20th chapter of this serialization.
By a speculation, it drives the people into a predicament that many prices of necessaries are increased, and a mass unemployment, bankruptcy and reduced welfare occurred by a dropping of the stock prices and currency exchange.
Banks that get a huge profit by repeating bubble economy: monetary easing policy produces uneven distribution of immeasurable wealth and the next bankruptcy.
In 2009, the total profit of 20 banks in high rank of Europa and America was approximately 100 billion euros (13,500 billion yen).
Explanatory note 1
That year was at the height of the Global financial crisis, the real economic growth rate of EU became worst (- 4.5%), and the European financial crisis began in the next year.
Source of this profit began when the central banks (ECB and FRB) in Europe and America had financed commercial banks 2 trillion euros at ultra-low interest in this financial crisis.
The commercial banks were able to obtain 80% of the mentioned profit depending on they only sublet this fund with an average profit margin 4% at one year.
The problem is that overabundant fund is loaned out without an end, and an economic bubble and the collapse begin before long, and what was left over is people suffering from bankruptcy and debt.
Badness of loan sharks becomes a problem, but the tragedy of Southern Europe (Spain and Greece) being borrower defies comparison with it.
This is repeated at bubble burst of every approximately ten years.
ヘッジファンドなどの暗躍: 大量の投機資金が世界中で弊害を撒き散らしている。
バブルで巨大な利益を上げる銀行: 金融緩和策が莫大を富の偏在と次の破産を生む。
< 2. Multinational enterprise >
< 2. 多国籍企業 >
Upper photo: many multinational enterprises of Europe manufacture products in Bangladesh.
Lower photo: Multinational enterprise is concerned with the banana cultivation in Philippine.
上の写真: 多数の欧州企業がバングラデシュで生産している。
下の写真: 多国籍企業がフィリピンのバナナ栽培に関わっている。
Multinational enterprise being active behind the scenes: the enterprise that was supported by major economic power controls many underdeveloped countries, and eats greedily the world.
In 1984, there was a poisonous gas outflow accident in Indian chemical factory of an American company, and several thousand people were dead.
The Indian government was going to indict the managers, but the United States Department of State refused the request for the extradition.
It happens a lot that huge multinational enterprise forces various convenient contracts on underdeveloped countries, and tames government functionaries by bribery.
Then, the resources are taken away from the country, the people are worked in inferior environment, and the environmental pollution spreads around the country.
多国籍企業の暗躍: 大国を後ろ盾に後進国を牛耳り世界を貪る。
Evils of the globalization are countless.
This problem is started from the economy and finance activity of major economic power mainly and indirectly produces even conflict of each place.
Prosperity of weapon industry of major economic power becomes also the result that adds oil to the fire about the conflict.
This continues next time.
注釈1: 2009年の為替レート1ユーロ135/円で計算。