中東に平和を!54: 宗教が誕生する時 2: ユダヤ教
< 1. A miracle of Moses >
< 1. モーセの海割り >
This time, I investigate the birth of Judaism and after that time.
This is the oldest one among those five religions.
The origin of the Jewish people lies in that various tribes had drifted to the ground of Palestine from each place of the Middle East and they gained their permanent residency after fights.
It was about the thirteenth century B.C.
This area was one of the oldest birthplaces of agriculture, had received the benefit of both civilization of Egypt and Mesopotamia, and a sophisticated culture grew up here.
However, the Jewish kingdom was on an only pathway between the both large kingdoms, therefore a alliance with one kingdom meant an attack from the other one, and the Jewish kingdom was subject to destruction and aggression many times.
In this occasion, many prophets appeared and sounded a note of warning to the Jewish people.
They severely criticized politics of King and an irreligion of people, and prognosticated the kingdom would perish before long

< 2. the Babylonian Captivity >
< 2. バビロンの捕囚 >
Turning point
A decisive misfortune befell them before long.
Powerful Assyria invaded and destroyed Jerusalem, and took the upper crust away to Baghdad.
However, in the sixth century B.C., an emperor of Persia of the new ruler absolved them, returned them to the Jerusalem, and permitted the rebuilding of a former Solomon shrine.
Their country Jerusalem became a small and waste vassal state that can't compare with the large empire of ex-Solomon.
The people thought that the national ruin was because of the anger of God, and should obey God.
The persons that took the central role in the rebuilding were compiling sacred texts that involved religious precepts and teachings since before 1,000 years B.C. as the oldest thing, and almost finished editing of the Old Testament in the third century B.C.
As a result of this, they may have wished to get the saving grace of God and the strong solidarity.
At the time of the rebuilding, there were the Jews who came back to Jerusalem, but on the other hand, there were the Jews that organized communities in each place of the Middle East, played an active part with using the accumulation of the high culture.

< 3. The rebuilding of Solomon shrine >
< 3. 神殿の再建 >
Point of the Judaism
This religion give greater importance to religious precepts in comparison with other religion.
It included law of early city-state period of Mesopotamia from their tribal rules.
What was entrusted by the people at the birth of this religion was to found a strong country by Jewish people, and it was natural that the religion identified with the law of their country.
To prevent the national ruin, they felt need for an unquestioning obedience to God, and it was to obey the religious precepts God gave.
It lasted approximately 200 years when they were devoting themselves to the rebuilding although being a small country, and it was in the peaceful times.
However, Alexander the Great invaded in the 4th century B.C., and maelstrom of war lasted by the later internal trouble.
The Jew again built their kingdom in the second century B.C., but it became a vassal state since an invasion of the Roman Empire in 63 B.C.
During this time, the continuation of Judaism was forgiven, and the high priest continued to have the religious authority.
However, the misgovernment of the foreign rulers and a lack of understanding about Jewish culture continued.
Thus, the Jewish antipathy increased, resistance movements rose up in each place and it was sitting on a time bomb.
The next time is about Christianity.
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