Thursday, November 26, 2015

I visited colored leaves of Nara prefecture 2

奈良の紅葉を訪ねて 2

< 1.  A main hall in the right side and A main gate in the left >
< 1. 右が本堂、左が楼門 >

I introduce Chogakuji temple of Nara prefecture.
I went to see colored leaves, but our sightseeing time was over by an explanation by a picture of hell almost.
However, this was very good.


< 2. the main gate >
< 2. 楼門 >

This is the oldest main gate with bell house that a bell once was set up the upper part of, and was built in the last of the 12th century of the Heian era.


< 3. a view of prayer hall from the main hall >
< 3. 本堂前から拝堂側を見る >

< 4.  a view of a pond from the main hall >
< 4. 本堂の縁側から放生池を望む >

< 5.  a view of the main hall from the pond >
< 5. 放生池から本堂を望む >

< 6.  Amida Triad statue in the main hall >
< 6. 本堂にある本尊の阿弥陀三尊像 >

Zocho-ten that was one of the Four Guardian Kings is seen to the left, and there is Tamon-ten that was one of the same in the right side.


About Chogakuji temple
This temple was built in 824, and there were as many as 48 sub-temples and about 300 Buddhist monks at the peak.
Amida Triad statue was made in the last of the Heian era (about the 12th century),
And Zocho-ten and Tamon-ten was older than it.
Now, this temple became little, but seasonal flowers in the vast precincts seem to be famous.

I was surprised that I can look near the 5 statues being National Important Cultural Property.



< 7.  the left is the Amida statue, and the right is Tamon-ten >
< 7. 左が阿弥陀如来像、右が多聞天像 >

When I sat near front of Tamon-ten and I heard the explanation by a chief priest about a picture of hell along with seeing it, I was overcome by deep emotion.
The exposition of the picture of hell is limited at this time of year.
Once, Many believers would feel an intimate connection with a crime and the Pure Land by seeing a similar picture of hell, and they would be assured of Buddha’s help with seeing gentle Amida Buddha and rageful Tamon-ten.


< 8.  large picture of hell >
< 8. 大地獄絵 >

The main story of this picture: After cremation, dead persons go through Hades in numerical order, and it judged whether they are sent to hell or the Buddhist paradise at the last.

地獄絵のストーリー: 死者は火葬された後、番号順に冥界を進み、最後に地獄か極楽行きかが決まる。

About large picture of hell 
This was drawn in the early of the Edo era (the 16-17th century), the mean size of 9 hanging pictures is about 90 cm in width, and about 250 cm in length.
The story of this picture originates in Buddhist scripture "Ojoyoshu" of the 10th century, and furthermore its origin is from the Pure Land Faith birthed in India in about the first century.


< 9.  the main points of the large picture of hell >
< 9. 大地獄絵の要点 >
Upper picture:  In upper part of No. 5, Emma Daio judges merits and demerits of a dead parson.
Central picture:  In central part of No.6, person having had crime gets dropped into the blaze hell.
Lower picture:  In central part of No.9, Buddha comes to pick up good person to the Buddhists' paradise.

“ Keep on doing good deeds” of Buddhism and “devote to own parents” of Confucian still are living teachings in our mind.

上図: 掛け軸5番の上部。閻魔大王が、死者の功罪を審判している。
中央図: 掛け軸6番の中央部。 罪ある者は火焔地獄などに堕とされる。
下図: 掛け軸9番の中央部。 善行ある者は如来が極楽浄土へと迎えに来てくれる。


< 10.  A sacred book and Buddhist invocation
< 10. 経典と念仏 >

Very roughly speaking, the Japanese Buddhism was divided into popular religion of believers chanting the Nenbutsu (Buddhist invocation) and Zen Buddhism of samurai attaching importance to discipline own mind.
I think the Nenbutsu became very popular among the common people under favor of the picture of hell and "Ojoyoshu".   
The Pure Land Faith preached the Nenbutsu as means to go to the Buddhists' paradise.
On the other hand, sacred books of Buddhism had been written in Chinese character, and many people were not able to read.
Thus, the explanation by a picture of hell became very popular across the whole country by street performers and priests in the Edo era.

Accidentally, I was surrounded by Buddhist statues of the Heian Period and could hear the explanation of a picture of hell.
I could contact a Japanese culture descending from ancient times.



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