ピケティの資本論 10: 格差の何が問題か 1
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Until now, we looked at the aspect of economic disparity.
Here, I marshal the issue of the disparity.
Generally, it is said that the disparity is not good.
Political philosopher John Rawls made an issue of the disparity in “A Theory of Justice (1971)”, and did the following proposals.
The difference principle: if at all possible, our society must improve the worst situation due to the society and economic disparity that have occurred accordingly.
The equal opportunity principle: our society must maximize the benefits of unhappy people along with making the conditions of fair equality of opportunity in the society and economy.
Nevertheless, if the disparity correction is connected to the violation of rights and the economic slowdown, many people may hesitate to ask for the disparity correction.
Therefore, first I confirm that there are what kinds of the issues about the economic disparity.
格差原理: 結果的に発生した社会的・経済的不平等に対しては、最悪の状況を可能な限り改善する。
機会均等原理: 社会的または経済的な不平等を機会の均等を図りながら、最も不遇な人々の利益を最大化する。
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The definition of the disparity
The disparity is a state having a bad influence on one society due to the big differences of the income and the asset are immobilized.
Some issues that I pointed out so far
I summarize the issues.
For details, please see " ** -- : --- " in each section.
For to see this, " series : Capital of Piketty " of category is convenient.
詳しくは、各項の「** : 」を見て下さい。
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l The large reward that isn’t rational declines the motivation. “ ** 2: Big paycheck”
Many rewards aren’t rational, because it don’t get a fair evaluation, but rather are decided by arbitrariness.
In this case, every deviant act becomes common, and the decline in motivation and the dissatisfaction will spread soon.
l An expensive reward for increase in motivation is only excuse. “** 3: Big paycheck and incentive”
Many of people appealing for an expensive reward are eager to decrease the reward more than to improve employee motivation by increase in the reward.
l The decline of labor income (expansion of irregular employment) causes economy deterioration surely. “** 5: Income decline and economic deterioration 2 ”
Anyway, GDP surely decreases every year, because the wages of about half of workers are cut to half.
Our government continues various public investments throwing a lot of money, on the other hand, and is doing the opposite politics.
l The increase in irregular employment reduces the productivity surely. “** 6: Income decline and economic deterioration 3 ”
Anyway, because independency, motivation, and interaction reduce every day, the productivity of workplace declines.
l The underclass becomes poor more and the inequality is strengthened. “ ** 8: Things that make inequality firm 1”
The increase in irregular employment (underclass) increases unmarried persons and declining birthrate, and repeated bubble bursts drives them poor moreover.
l The wealthy class becomes richer and the inequality is strengthened. “** 9: Things that make inequality firm 2”
Repeating bubble bursts double the assets of the wealthy class.
To have enabled this doubling is the emphasis on finance, the deregulation, and the changing of taxation system.
* 合理的でない高額報酬は、労働意欲を減退させる。「**2: 高額報酬」
* 意欲向上の為の高額報酬は、口実に過ぎない。「**3: 高額報酬と意欲向上」
* 所得低下(非正規雇用増大)は経済を確実に減速させる。「**5: 所得低下と経済悪化2」
* 非正規雇用増大は生産性を確実に低下させる。「**6: 所得低下と経済悪化3」
* 低所得層の困窮が進み格差が強化されている。「**8: 格差を強固にするもの1」に詳しい。
* 富裕層の富裕化が進み格差が強化されている。「**9: 格差を強固にするもの2」
These are only one side of the issue of the disparity, but exercise serious influence each.
Next time, I consider the basic issue of the disparity.
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