淡路島 冬の海岸3

< 1. a Fishing boat, Akashi Strait Bridge and Iwaya harbor >
< 1. 漁船と明石海峡大橋、岩屋港 >
Today, I introduce a view of Akashi Strait and Seto Inland Sea.
< 2. E-zima of Iwaya harbor >
< 2. 岩屋港の絵島 >
It is written in “Kojiki” of a record of ancient matters as a myth of our nation’s birth.
And it is written in “The tale of the Heike” at the end of the 12th century as a beautiful island.
< 3. Akashi Strait and Iwaya harbor >
< 3.岩屋港と明石海峡 >
Akashi Strait Bridge is viewable hazily with yellow dust.
Here is a good fishing ground because the tide is intense.
< 4. seabirds >
< 4.海鳥たち >
When I'm driving beachfront roads, I meet many seabirds that enjoy sunbathing.
< 5. Nishiura seashore on Seto Inland Sea side >
< 5. 瀬戸内海側の西浦海岸 >
Today, this sea is calm, but strong west wind often blows in winter, and blows up the salt water on beachfront roads.
The upper photograph shows the south side.
The lower photograph shows Murotsu fishing port.
On the next time, I visit some small fishing ports and seashores.
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