Friday, November 7, 2014

Traveling to Spain and Portugal 8: Madrid, Spain, on the trip 4th day, October 15

Cervantes statue and Don Quixote statue in Plaza de Espana

 < 1. Cervantes statue and Don Quixote statue in Plaza de Espana 

I introduce the circumference of Palcio Real(royal palace) in Madrid.


Palcio Real de Madrid was seen from Bailen street

< 2.  Palcio Real de Madrid was seen from Bailen street  
This building was completed in the 18th century, and was used as a king's dwelling till 1931.
It is only used in an official event now.


Palcio Real was seen from Plaza de la Armeria 

< 3.  Palcio Real was seen from Plaza de la Armeria >

Catedral de la Almudena

< 4.  Catedral de la Almudena >
This Catedral is across Plaza de la Armeria from Palcio Real.
The construction plan began in the 16th century, but the completion was in 1993.
Although it was the 16th century that the capital city of Spain moved from Toledo to Madrid, the seat of the church remained at Toledo at this time. 


Plaza de Oriente in front of Palcio Real and the aspect of the street

< 5.  Plaza de Oriente in front of Palcio Real and the aspect of the street
The first fig.:  In Plaza de Oriente, the equestrian statue of Felipe stands with his back against Palcio Real.
The second fig.: 20 Spanish King statues stand facing each other across the equestrian statue. The grove of this garden just had turned color.
The third figure: Bailen Street in front of Palcio Real.
The fourth figure: A group did sightseeing with bicycle in front of the very large garden of Palcio Real.

Although this pack tour didn’t go sightseeing in Plaza de la Armeria and the Cathedral, I slid out of shopping time and went sightseeing alone.

一番目の図: オリエンテ広場に、王宮を背にしてフェリペ4世騎馬像が立っている。
二番目の図: 騎馬像を挟むようにスペインの20体の王像が並んでいる。この庭園の木立はちょうど紅葉していた。
三番目の図: 王宮前のバイレン通り。
四番目の図: 王宮の広大な庭園の前で、自転車で観光しているグループ。


Gran via street and Puerta de Alcala were seen from my bus

< 6.  Gran via street and Puerta de Alcala were seen from my bus >
This street is a typical shopping area of Madrid, and has imitated a main street of Paris at the beginning of the 20th century.
Puerta de Alcala was built in the 18th century with celebrating the victory of War of Spanish Independence.


Museo Nacional del Prado and a church before that

< 7.   Museo Nacional del Prado and a church before that >

Picture collection of this museum is one of the best in Europe, and the main thing is picture of the Middle Ages in Spain.
We can see all of Greco, Goya and Velazquez of Spanish three major painters.
After a guide explained the main works, I looked around all at a run.
Since it was impressive, I introduce the highlight someday.


About Madrid

The population of capital city of Spain is 5,400,000, and this city is one of the biggest cities in Europe.
In the latter half of the 16th century, Spain dynasty annexed to Portugal temporarily, led the Age of Discovery, obtained vast territory and wealth from American continent.
Furthermore, Spain had the greatest domain in Europe as Hapsburg.
These days, the royal palace was moved from Toledo to this central plateau (altitude 655 m) in 1561, and the urban improvement progressed from the 18th century.

It pleases me as a tourist that historical buildings have been harmonizing with beautifully orderly town.
In addition, the traffic jam in the morning made me feel it is a big city.
However, there were many vagrants under some underpasses, the attention to pickpocket by guides, and a bag stolen happened in my front really.
Furthermore, there wasn't a rush of construction work.
I felt the economic stagnation in my bones.

It becomes continuous with the next time.




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