< 1. Taking a walk in the red frame of Toledo old city (fortress city) >
Today, I will give you an experience of a walk in the fortress city.
You will taste the cityscape and a breath of Middle Ages by my 24 photos.
The Spanish history and the secret of the fortress city emerge from it.
< 2. Our walk route in the satellite photo is red frame of above map >
A red line shows my route, and the numbers show the photography point.
Our walk had started from the spot of No. 1 at 13:00, went through the spot of No. 24 at last, and finished sightseeing for about one hour and ten minutes.
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1 : I went up about 40 m height from a lower parking lot by escalator, went to beside an assembly and begin to ascend toward a bell tower of the monastery.
2 : The rapid slope became such stairs infrequently.
3 : This was beautiful structure although passages connected on second floor was often seen.
1 : 下の駐車場から約40mをエスカレータで登り、議会の横に出、ここから修道院の鐘楼に向かって登り始める。
2 : 急な坂道は希に階段状になっている。
3 : 2階で繋がる廊下はよく見られたが、これは綺麗な作りでした。
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6 : A mark of Jew is visible to the outer wall.
"Barrio De La Juderia 1492" is written above the mark, and it seems to mean "Jews' accommodation space in 1492".
In this 1492, Reconquista was completed in the expenditure of for 800 years.
Reconquista was the fight that Christian of Iberian Peninsula expels Islam power.
However, it was a beginning of deportation of Jew.
On the west side (Iglesia de Santo Tome side) of this city, there are two synagogues (Jewish church) although synagogues of Spain are very few in number.
One of then has beautiful arched pillars such as Mezquita(Cordoba), and Islam style also remains here (we did not see the sights).
6 : 外壁にユダヤの印が見える。
そのマークの上に”Barrio De La Juderia 1492” と書かれており「ユダヤ人の居住区、1492年」を意味しているようです。
7 : Walking in this city, you will notice that there are not crossroads and there are only such three-forked road and T-junction.
The roads often curved, and the width of the narrow road was about 2 m.
These roads were made of stone pavement and outer walls were made of stones and bricks, but the fashion had each characteristic.
A lot of these gates were firm things, and I felt like the house had been separated from the road.
However, when I saw it with satellite photo, bigger houses consisted of that the beautiful buildings of 2-3 floors had surrounded the courtyard (patio) from the four directions.
7 : この町を歩いていると、十字路が無く、このような三叉路かT字路しかないことに気づく。
8 : At intervals, there are small open spaces in which several trees are planted.
If there is free space, people had parked.
8 : 数本の木々が植えられている小さな広場が所々にある。
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9 : A shopping avenue such as souvenir shop.
The right building where a poster was put on was the lower part of bell tower of Iglesia de Santo Tome (church), and I noticed this after returning home.
When I walk around ancient city, I thought that it is important to see the top
10 : Iglesia de Santo Tome is in under direction of the number.
Here is El Greco's picture "The Burial of the Count of Orgaz."
As we entered it and heard the explanation along with seeing the picture directly, we felt having understood the good point.
Here is a religious city, too.
There are many churches and monasteries, and there are many Greco's pictures in them.
I introduce Greco’s picture later.
11 : There was a school in the neighborhood of Iglesia de Santo Tome.
As the school just finished, many parents had come to pick up primary schoolchildren.
Many people keep on living in this city.
9 : 土産物等の商店街。
10: 番号の下が、サント・トメ教会。
11: サント・トメ教会前の近くに学校があった。
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13 : If road is wider even if only slightly, a car runs.
14 : A shop of inlaid work of gold-and-silver.
Toledo was more famous for inlaid work of gold-and-silver and ironware (sword) from ancient times, and those stores stood out.
15 : The bell tower of Cathedral can be seen from an alley.
13: 少しでも広い道であれば車が走っている。
14: 金銀象眼細工の店。
15: 路地から大聖堂の鐘楼が見える。
< 7. photo 16, in front of Cathedral >
Cathedral that exists at center of this city is the maximum among all cathedral of Spain, and is the core part of Spanish Christianity.
Cathedral was started to build above a large mosque trace in early 13th century and was completed at the end of 15th century.
It is Gothic architecture.
The height of the left bell tower is 90 m, and the center is “Puerta del Relojthe” gate, and 13 statues above it express “the Last Supper”.
The inside is gorgeous, but our tour did not go in it.
左の鐘楼の高さは90mあり、中央が 「免罪の門」で、その上に「最後の晩餐」が13体の彫像で表現されている。
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17 : The city office facing the open space in front of Cathedral.
18 : A roofed passage connecting the Cathedral and the Residence.
19 : A small open space having a restaurant etc.
20 : A royal university which began in the 16th century.
17: 大聖堂前の広場に面している市役所。
18: 大聖堂と司教館に通じる渡り廊下。
19: レストランなどがある小さな広場。
20: 16世紀に始まる王立大学。
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21 : A church.
23 : A passage under the roofed passage that is a lower center of photo 22.
24 : The front of the assembly.
Going around, the walk in this city finished.
Although we saw only the mere part, I caught many things.
21: 教会。
23: 写真22中央下側の渡り廊下の下にある通路。
24: 議会の正面。
Some histories hidden in Toledo
By this town walk, I got the hints to know some histories of Toledo
Molding of this city
By photo 7,16 and a satellite photo of No. 2, we will understand this city landscape resembles more the Islam city in North Africa than other European city (Germany or Czech Republic).
Islam power ruled Toledo from early 8th century to the end of 11th century
At that time, the city (private houses) in other Europe had been still wooden construction.
Probably the foundation of bricks and stones had finished by Islam in first, and the city of Toledo developed above it.
Why was the city built on such steep mountain?
It must have been very strong fortress, but how would this city supply much water if 200,000 people lived at its peak?
I was not able to find it by the walk, but a well seemed to play role.
It remained in a literature as "The depth of a well produces the comfortable view"
Probably, the technology of digging a well into this mountain such bedrock had applied the technology of a well in Middle Eastern or a mine in Iberia.
Moreover, Islamic water wheel for pumping had operated till the middle of the 16th century.
But, after it was broken, people going up from under river for carrying water formed a procession.
Toledo developed as the center of Catholicism country.
But it received strongly influence and benefit from Islam from the 12th century until the 16th century.
Activity of different ethnic groups and pagans
The mark of Jew of the photo 6 made me recall a trip of Budapest.
When I visited a synagogue of Budapest, I was heard " did you come from Spain?" frequently.
After that time, I knew Spanish Jewish tragedy.
Spain and Portugal had a period that greatly influenced Europe once.
It began to other ethnic group, Roman, and there were the existence of Genoa and Venice merchant that provided help to the Age of Discovery.
If there was no help of Islamic people and Jews, the development of Renaissance of Italy, Western science (medicine) and philosophy dropped back greatly possibly.
At the middle of the 13th century, the 10th king Alfonso of Castille kingdom established a translation school in Toledo.
He borrowed the power of Muslims (Islamic people) and Jews and let them translate of Arabian advanced study and documents of ancient Greece.
Theologians and researchers gathered from various areas of Europe, learned and returned.
Therefore, the new bud of theology, philosophy, and science (medicine) came out.
However, this ended together with Reconquista at the beginning of the 16th century, and it was a beginning of a dark age as the pagan (Jew), and Jews went to east.
From the next time, I introduce other sight spot.
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