Saturday, January 11, 2014

Go around the world of Buddha statues 8: various Buddha statues in Japan 2

I introduce friendly Buddha statues and originative Buddha statues.


 Rāgarāja(Aizen-myouou): Nara National Museum, Kamakura period, the 13 century, wood, H.26cm

 Rāgarāja(Aizen-myouou): Nara National Museum, Kamakura period, the 13 century, wood, H.26cm
This Wisdom King (Myouou) is important Buddha statue that ranks next to Buddha and Bodhisattva, and there are many kinds of this, too.
The figure is the fearful face holding skeleton or snake, and with blazing flame on its back.
Wisdom King was born from the teachings of Buddhist Tantrism, and came from Shiva that was one of the three great Hindu gods.
The fearful figure was because the enlightenment by mild Buddha and Bodhisattvas was difficult in only its ways.
The characteristic of the Buddhist Tantrism that was born in India about the 7th century was divine favor in this life, bewitchment, and secretiveness.
While the Buddhism adopted Hinduism and its Gods, on the contrary, it had a loss of the characteristic and declined at last.


Asanga Bodhisattva( Mudyaku Bosatu): Kofuku-ji, Nara, Kamakura period, the 13 century, wood, H.193cm 

< Asanga Bodhisattva( Mudyaku Bosatu): Kofuku-ji, Nara, Kamakura period, the 13 century, wood, H.193cm >
This priest is Mudyaku of the Buddhist scholar who played an important role in India in the 4th century.
This work is a compilation of master Unkei’s work, and has the brilliant truth to life.
He reached it through the expression in wonderful dynamism from the overthrow of the ready-made ideas at early phase.


Kuya: Rokuharamitsu-ji, Kyouto, early Kamakura period, wood 

< Kuya: Rokuharamitsu-ji, Kyouto, early Kamakura period, wood  >
He was an itinerant priest in Heian Period, and an early promoter of the practice of the Nembutsu among the common people.
From his mouth, six Amitabha meaning a prayer to Buddha appears.


a part of nirvana clay figure:  Horyu-ji, Nara, Nara period, the 8th century, national treasure

 a part of nirvana clay figure:  Horyu-ji, Nara, Nara period, the 8thcentury, national treasure 
This is a scene that the disciples are grieving for on the occasion of the death (Nirvana) of Buddha.
In Japan, it was few that Buddha statues were made of clay and expressed as a group. There are also few Nirvana images.


Left, a Ghost Festival of Ksitigarbha(Jizo-bon). Right, Ksitigarbha at a roadside.

 Left, a Ghost Festival of Ksitigarbha(Jizo-bon). Right, Ksitigarbha at a roadside.  
“Jizo” is Ksitigarbha, and one of Bodhisattva.
It was everywhere seen along rural ways and city streets.
The figure is a priest who has a walking stick and close-cropped hair.
Although “Jizo” had grown popular belatedly, it relieved people of the pain in this world and hell, and they widely worshiped as a guardian deity of the ground or child.
A red cloth of the Jizo is a child's bib, and the parental affection of parents that lost the child is transmitted to us.
In Japan, there are few Buddha statues of stone cavern and rock surface, but only the stone statues of Jizo are many.


Buddha statues by Enku: Takayama city, Gifu, wood

Buddha statues by Enku: Takayama city, Gifu, wood >
These Buddha statues were made by Enku of a pilgrimage priest who played an active part at the beginning of Edo period.
He made 120,000 statues in the whole life, and many of it is remaining across the whole country.
He made the Buddha statues in large quantities, and desired to be put on a field so that the public could worship freely.
Although the style looks like rough-planed woodcarving with a single knife, the warmth of the aspect, and eliminating the waste excel in particular.

From the next time, I pursue the origin of the Buddha statue.



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