クロアチア・スロベニアを巡って 2: ブレッド湖
< 1. Assumption Church in Bled Island >
< 1. ブレッド島の聖マリア教会 >
Today, I introduce a lake in the Julian Alps of northwestern Slovenia.
Once again, I take the liberty of resting from my blog for one week.
< 2. The map of lake Bled >
< 2. ブレッド湖の地図 >
A blue point is our hotel. A blue arrow is the road from Ljubljana.
Two black marks are main spots for photographs on the lakeshore.
A red arrow shows the north.
No.1: Bled Castle.
No.2: Church.
No.3: Assumption Church and Bled Island.
No.4: A boat dock that is used for crossing to Bled Island.
番号1: ブレッド城。
番号2: 教会。
番号3: 聖マリア教会とブレッド島。
番号4: ブレッド島に渡るボート乗り場。
Lake Bled
This lake is at an altitude of 500 m in a basin that was surrounded by Julian Alps, its length is about 2 km, and is famous of scenic spot.
On the lake, there is one island that Assumption Church has been built in.
Bled Castle is on top of a cliff of the northern shore and there is other church at the right side.
A main street of hotel district led up from the lakeshore, and it is about 10 minutes from Hotel Krim that we stayed in to the lakeshore on foot.
Main itinerary
In an evening of August 30, we arrived at the hotel, and I walked around the lakeshore at the night.
In the next day, I took a picture from before dawn.
After breakfast, we went to the boat dock (No.4) for sightseeing, crossed to the island by a rowing boat, and fully enjoyed the landscape of Lake Bled from about 7:00 to 8:30.
ホテル街が湖畔から伸びており、私達が泊まったHotel Krimから湖畔まで歩いて10分ほどです。
< 3. Before dawn, Bled Castle (No.1) on the right side and the white church in Bled Island (No.3) on the left side. I photographed at 4:57 >
< 3. 夜明け前の①ブレッド城(右)と③ブレッド島の教会(左の白い塔)。4:57撮影 >
< 4. Bled Castle >
< 4. ブレッド城 >
Upper photo: The castle (No.1) had glowed red and the church (No.2) had come whiter against the darkness, at 3:25.
Central photo: The sky increased brightness a little, at 4:53.
Lower photo: Before dawn, but Mt. Triglav that is the highest mountain in Slovenia with an elevation of 2864 meters began to become red.
This mountain is used to the national flag of Slovenia.
The sunrise of this day was about 6:20, but it seems to have become bright after 7:00.
上写真: ①赤く照らされた城と②白い教会が暗闇に浮かび上がる。3:25。
中写真: 空が微かに明るさを帯びて来た。4:53。
下写真: まだ日の出ではないが、スロベニアの最高峰トリグラウ山2864mが赤味を帯び始めた。5:25。
< 5. A view from the boat dock (No.4), at 8:30 >
< 5. ④ボート乗り場からの眺め。8:30 >
< 6. Crossing to the island >
< 6. 島に渡る >
Upper photo: Assumption Church (No.3).
Central photo: The inside of the church.
Many tourists tolled a bell that grants a wish with pulling the rope.
Sad thoughts of a woman in old days spread over the surface of the lake gently.
Lower photo: This handsome man has succeeded to the family business of rowing boat for generations.
It was very fresh morning on the surface of the lake.
上の写真: ③聖マリア教会。
中の写真: ③教会の内部。ロープを引き、願いが叶うとされる鐘を鳴らす観光客。
下の写真: 代々、手漕ぎボートの家業を受け継ぐ美男。
< 7. Views from the island >
< 7.島からの眺め >
Upper photo: Bled Castle stands on the top of the cliff.
Central photo: A view of east side.
World-class rowing matches often were opened here, and people had exercised that day also.
上の写真: 断崖絶壁に立つブレッド城。
中の写真: 東側の眺め。
< 8. Comforting environments >
< 8. 心が洗われるひと時 >
Left photo: Assumption Church (No.3), at 5:53.
Right photo: Bled Castle (No.1) and a church (No.2), at 8:34.
左の写真: ③聖マリア教会。5:53
右の写真: ①ブレッド城と②教会。8:34
< 9. A lakeshore >
< 9. 湖畔 >
Upper photo: The main street of hotel district led up from the lakeshore.
Central photo: A lakeshore that I visited in the morning.
Lower photo: A family enjoyed lake bathing near the boat dock (No.4).
上の写真: ホテルやレストランが並ぶ湖畔に通じるメインストリート。
中の写真: 朝の散策で訪れた湖畔。
下の写真: ボート乗り場付近で湖水浴を楽しむ家族。8:35
It was very balmy time under a brilliantly sunny morning.
Bled lake was cleanliness and its nature was unspoiled.
This continues next time.
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