< Wada’s house >
I introduce the inside of the architecture with A-frame, the four seasons and the living of the mountain village.
A: A rice planting in spring. It is reproducing old work.
B: A harvest of rice has finished, so it become a good time to see autumn leaves. We see Hakusan Mountains to the right side back.
C: being buried in snow in winter, people shut themselves up in their house.
D: All villagers must put on a new roof of about two houses with some kind of grass together every year.
I observed the Wada’s house.
This family served as a village mayor at Edo Period, and prospered by business of gun smoke.
The gun smoke that is materials of gunpowder was produced by fermenting some kind of grass under a floor.
This was important industry for several hundred years in this area.
This house is 300 years since the construction, and a family has lived together with dozens of people in it.
A: 春の田植え。昔の作業を再現。
B: 稲の収穫が終わり、紅葉に染まる。右奥に白山。
C: 冬は雪に埋もれ、人々は家に閉じこもる。
D: 秋に茅を刈り、村人総出で年に一二軒、屋根の葺き替えを行う。
< Big living room of the first floor >
A thick beam is impressive.
< Drawing room of the first floor >
I: Drawing room.
J: alcove in a traditional Japanese room where picture was displayed.
K: a family Buddhist altar and Buddha statue.
I: 客間。
J: 客間の床の間。水墨画が掛かっている。
K: 仏間の仏壇。金箔の仏壇と仏像。
< Workshop of the second floor >
It is one big room with a wooden floor, has big windows to the north and south.
There is a room also in the third floor.
The several places of the floor were floor grates, and smoke and warmth have risen through it from under.
The pillar shines black with soot of the smoke.
< silkworm shelf of the second floor >
Silkworms eat the leaf of the mulberry.
The cocoon has been placed on a shelf over it.
For several hundred years, the sericulture was active in this district.
< Structure of the house >
E: A figure of the architecture with A-frame. The roof is a steep slope so that snow makes it easier to fall.
F: the pillar of the roof was tied up with rope.
At first, the carpenter built the important first floor that receives the huge roof.
After that, villager together put up the roof over it.
Daily necessities that were made of straw have hung.
During winter, family may have knitted straw hard.
G: The sunken hearth in the living room.
In winter, I feel nostalgic for burning firewood and the charcoal in it.
H: The ceiling of the living room. We can see floor grates for air vent port.
E: 合掌造りの図。雪が落下するように屋根が急勾配。
F: 縄で縛った屋根の柱組構造。
G: 居間にある囲炉裏。冬、薪や炭の赤々と燃える火が懐かしい。
H: 居間の天井。簀の子状の通気口が見える。
People adapted well in narrow arable land and severe winter.
Arable land was not decreased because one large family lived in one house, and production and preservation were done in the warm large room.
The material that make big roof possible, the production material, and fuel were in the mountain abundantly.
Moreover, villager's cooperation enabled construction of the house, and putting on the new roof.
It might have increased by Buddhism, or the isolation of the village more.
I became glad when I thought that there was the warm " a group-oriented culture" here once.
Next time, I introduce the town of Takayama.
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