Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Misunderstanding of war 2 : the First Sino-Japanese War 2

 江華島事件,the Ganghwa Island incident, the First Sino-Japanese War

< the Ganghwa Island incident was a trigger of the First Sino-Japanese War, Wikipedia
This time, I look at the beginning of the Sino-Japanese War from the Korean Peninsula side.

Many Japanese will regard that the First Sino-Japanese War and the Russo-Japanese War have slightly involved with the Korean Peninsula.

However, they were receiving interference and domination from Japan government for 70 years.

The beginning of this war is the Ganghwa Island incident in 1875.

This exchange of gunfire began with the provocative action to require opening of Korean ports.

Thereby, the defeated Korea is made to conclude an unequal treaty with Japan and European and American etc., respectively.

Those days, the Korean dynasty continued no less than 480 years. Some problems of the dynasty were social stagnation, internal dispute, and correspondence to great powers.

The coups d'etat of the nobility or the peasantry had occurred frequently.

Japan and Qing came to stay on according to the request of Korea and ceased to return.

The peasantry 's coup d'etat happened in the spring of 1994. It knows as the Donghak Peasant Revolution.

The Korean government, which couldn’t repress the coup d’etat, requested sending troops to Qing.
Soon Japan also sent troops.

Although the Korean government asked both countries for withdrawal, it was refused.

Then, Japan occupied the king's palace on July, and made a puppet government that is a pro-Japanese and a civilization group.

In this way, the First Sino-Japanese War started and was the end of the war in next year April.

The peasantry returned each region, and the new government advanced some reforms.

However, when interference of Japan became intense, the peasantry took action on "anti-Japan, anti- civilization" again.






94年春、官吏の腐敗と農民への重税に反発した農民蜂起が起こりました( 甲午農民戦争=東学党の乱)。





東学党の乱,the Donghak Peasant Revolution

< the Donghak Peasant Revolution >
The allied forces of Japan and a puppet government swept this action away.

The sacrifice of this farmer army is called tens of thousands.

Also one year afterward, the Korean public and the farmer's coup d'etat occurred, and were suppressed.

In the meantime, Japan promoted Korean modernization forcibly.

On the other hand, interference in domestic affairs was legalized and the rights of the railroad and the telegraph line were acquired.

Korea was made to consent to make the utmost effort for food reservation of a Japanese army.

Russia and great powers interfere with Japan, and the Russo-Japanese War (19041905) soon started.

After the Russo-Japanese War, Japan made Korea the protectorate of Japan. And Korea afresh was merged into Japan in 1910.

The Korean governor-general's office was established, and the full-scale colonial policy started.






植民地の鉄道網 ,The network of railroads of colonial days

< The network of railroads of colonial days http://www.cinema-indies.co.jp/ecchan/harubin.html >

In 1919, Japan acquired the Manchuria Railway from Russia. And a military unit that guards the railway became independent.

In 1932, this staff officer schemed without permission and made Manchukuo of puppet government here.  In this way, the expansion of the occupation was repeated.

In 1937, near Beijing, beginning with a trifling firefight, the Sino-Japanese War happened.

In this way, over 70 years, Japan advanced from landing Korean Peninsula to Sino-Japanese War and the Pacific War.

In the meantime, Korea continued being a base of munitions of war, food supply, and soldier's supply.

Speaking in the extreme, it seem that the military began this war and the government followed from after that.


1937年、北京近くで、またも些細な銃撃戦が発端となって中国との戦争が始まった。70年かけて, 日本は朝鮮半島上陸から太平洋戦争へと進んだ。この間、朝鮮は軍需物資、食料調達、人員確保の要地であり続けたのです。


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