Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Misunderstanding of war 1 : the Sino-Japanese War 1

豊島沖海戦,the first naval battle of the First Sino-Japanese War

 < the first naval battle of the First Sino-Japanese War >

The Misunderstanding of war has some types. Some people imagine that a war automatically starts, will be expanded rapidly and will go to the worst state.

During war, many people are in a nightmare with heat, and do not suspect the good behavior. It is the same even if it has finished.

The reason for taking up the Sino-Japanese War(189495) is that Japan achieved continent advance first by this war.

After this, the neighboring countries are meeting with a misfortune for long time.

For many people of both countries, the recognition of history has big distance.

This will stir up regret to one side and an uncomprehension of another side will extend the wound further.





坂の上の雲,  drama, novel ,Saka no Ue no Kumo

 < a dramatization of a novel Saka no Ue no Kumo” >

From the Ryotaro Shiba "clouds on a hill" which is a famous historical novel,

In a novel  Saka no Ue no Kumo” written by SHIBA Ryotaro who is a leading Japanese historical novelist, there is a sentence which touched the beginning of the Sino-Japanese War. I summarize it.

A staff officer's kawakami is a perfect Prussiaist, and the staff headquarters continuously pulled Japan. This idea has determined the relation between the nation and the staff headquarters of army until the end of the Pacific War. “The Sino-Japanese War is not an unavoidable defensive war, but is a war of aggression clearly, and was already prepared in Japan.”  People often said it, but Prime minister Ito did not have such idea. However, the staff officer's kawakami was clearly such.
On the Prussiais, one principle was that one side attack an enemy suddenly.”

The author has pointed out a reckless run of the army from the Sino-Japanese War to the Pacific War. Those days, the Japanese Army yearned for the vigor of Prussia (Germany) that was sweeping across the central Europe.





How is the German China historian looking? From “History of China civilizationbook written by Dr. Eberhard in 1980.

Although the Sino-Japanese War broke out over the head of Korea in 1894, this was a result of the problems which have existed vaguely by the imperialistic policy of Japan since 1881. Although China founded the Beiyang Fleet, this was considered to be only preparation of China for war expected long.”

The initiative of Japan is described also here.

ドイツの中国史学者はどう見ているのだろうか。エーバーハルト著「中国文明史」1980年刊 より。



戦争の日本近現代史, book,Japanese modern history of war

< a book “Japanese modern history of war” >

I summarize and quote from a book “Japanese modern history of war” book written by a Japanese historian Youko Katou in 2002. This shows the progress situation of the Sino-Japanese War.

1  The military budget was already being steadily acquired noticing that protection of the profits line was a way to independent self-defense.

2  The previous year of the outbreak of war, this editorial appeared in a newspaper. "it is required to take the policy Japan colonizes Japanese people in Korea rather than makes Korea a tributary. Then, this peninsula can be used as an outer wall of a castle for 100 years or more.” Maintaining the appearance of independent of Korea also includes the intention that avoids interference of a strong country.

3  The thing required for the next was an excuse to exterminate Qing. “Unless responsibility attains to me, since you can use what kind of means, you have to make the excuse of the outbreak of war.” Foreign Minister Mutsu ordered the legation it.

4  In March 1994, a farmer army will rise in quest of reform in Korea. It spread all over the country in May, and the dynasty requested dispatch of the army from Qing. 

5  Although Foreign Minister Mutsu will propose "the JapanQing internal-affairs reform proposal about Korea" to Qing in June 94, but Qing refuses this. "the internal war was already suppressed. Korea should perform reform by itself.” The reason was appropriate. Japan sends a letter breaking off the relation to Qing immediately, and promotes military conflict. In July Japan attacked the Korean king's palace and did a naval battle, and declared the war in August.

6  In July 1994, a newspaper was sympathized with the Japanese Government. “For Eastern peace, Japan advised by thinking that it is necessary to make Korea into the perfect independent country. However, in contrast, Qing considered that Korea is a dependency and interfered.  Therefore Japan should open war.”


1 利益線の守護が独立自衛への道だとして軍事予算は既に着実に獲得されつつあった。

2 開戦の1年前、新聞にこの論説が載る。「日本は朝鮮を属国とするのではなく、日本人を朝鮮に植民する方策をとることが必要である。そうすれば、この半島を百年以上、城の外壁として使える。」これには独立の体裁を保つことにより列強の干渉を避ける意図も含まれている。

3 次ぎに必要なのは清を駆除する口実でした。「私に責任が及ばない限りは如何なる手段を使っても、開戦の口実を作るべし」と陸奥外相は公使館に命じた。

4 94年3月、朝鮮では農民軍が改革を求めて蜂起した。5月には全州が占領され、王朝は清に軍の派遣を要請した。

5 94年6月、陸奥は清国に「朝鮮に関する日清内政改革提案」を出しますが、清国はこれを拒絶します。その理由は「内乱はすでに鎮圧された。朝鮮の改革は朝鮮みずからおこなうべきである。」とまともなものでした。待ってましたとばかり日本は清国に絶交書を送り、軍事衝突を推し進めます。日本は7月朝鮮王宮攻撃、沖海戦、8月宣戦布告となった。

6 94年7月、ある新聞は陸奥に同調している。「日本は東洋の平和のために、朝鮮を完全な独立国とする必要があると考え、勧告をおこなった。しかし清国はこれに反して、朝鮮を属国と見なし、干渉をおこなった、よって開戦すべきである。」

People desire the outbreak of war wanted to have considered the Korean to be an outside castle and to make it a colony. Therefore, they wanted defeating Qing. Furthermore, the political party and the newspaper also desired the hegemonism. When the war started, many volunteer soldiers were formed in Japan. And people were pleased with victorious celebration all together. In this way, it pushed on to war.

Next time I look at the sadness of occupied Korea.



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