Saturday, October 27, 2012

Birth of primitive art 4: Development of the cave paintings

ゲナスドルフ,女性線刻画,Female line-engraving drawing 、 Gonnersdorf ruin, Germany  

 < Female line-engraving drawing in Gonnersdorf ruin, Germany  >
Last time, we looked at the movable statues in the last stage of the glacial epoch.

From this time, we look at the brilliant cave paintings of a glacial epoch.

The Fine arts suddenly bloomed on the ground of arctic cold.

First, I do the last supplementary explanation. Last time, there was an opinion that the Venus image of Nebra is visible to a penis. The above figure is the line-engraving drawing of the clay stone in Gonnersdorf ruin that were making the same Venus statues as Nebra. Two women that have an arm were drawn on this stone. Thus, it is guessed that the Venus statue is the thing developed from the female image. Thank you for the precious opinion.





 シャーベット洞窟,馬,horse、Chauvet cave
< horse 、 Chauvet cave
Cave paintings appeared a little later than movable statues for a while. There is no painting outside a cave until the last stage comes. The oldest thing is in Chauvet cave in south France, 31000 years ago. This limestone cave amounts to 400 m in length. In the inner wall, there were the colored pictures of 300 over, the line-engraving drawing of 300 over, many signs, and many handprints.

A horse, the extinct cow, a bison, a bear, a mammoth, a reindeer, the owl, the lion, the hyena were painted on the surface of the wall. The main paints the black of charcoal and the red of Ocher. There is also a room unified in each color. The animal that is running in groups is drawn, and two fighting rhinoceroses that were drawn by the forcible outline look vividly.



 バイソンと人,A bison and a person、Lascaux cave 
< fighting rhinoceroses 、 Chauvet cave >
Secondly, the cave painting is in the Cosquer cave facing the Mediterranean in France. It is divided into many handprints drawn 27000 years ago and the animal group drawn 19000 years ago. Although many handprints are seen in other caves, the paint included in the mouth is sprayed on the hand put on the wall, and a picture is made. A penguin and a seal are rare, although the painting animal is a lot of horses in common with other caves.

The famous Lascaux cave painting appears in France 17000 years ago. The Lascaux cave is one of the 30 caves of the gorges in the limestone region. The stone tool and a bone implement of 100,000 points are found from this whole region. Although there is a trace of a life, there is a cave without paintings, and the caves like this is about half. The Lascaux cave consists of three rooms, is about 70 m in full length, and the largest placesThe hole of a bullare a hole of 9m wide, and Fig. 1.



ラスコー,牡牛のホール,The hole of a bull、Lascaux cave 
< fig.1 The hole of a bull 、Lascaux cave >
The side and the ceiling side of a cave mainly have many hundreds of horses, cows, deer, and bisons, and there is a picture of a maximum of 5.5m cow in them. Moreover, there are the colored picture and line-engraving drawings that describe a goat, a sheep, an antelope, a human being, and a geometrical pattern. These numbers are 2000 points. There are 500 handprints that man sprayed paints. Red clay and charcoal were melted and mixed with animal fat, blood, and sap, and black, red, yellow and tea, and brown paints were made. It is thought that the painting brush uses the moss, the hair of an animal, and a wooden branch or one’s own finger.


 戦う犀、fighting rhinoceroses,Chauvet cave
< fig.2 A bull and a horse  、Lascaux cave
Fig. 2 in the hole of a bull is painted over picture. Fig. 2 in the hole of a bull was painted over  some pictures repeatedly. The first pictures that was painted was a horse group of gray with running fast, on lower side. Subsequently, it was one horse that has a black mane in the center of the left, and the red body. Subsequently, it was a bull realistically was drawn by the black outline. Finally, a deer was painted in the pictures by only red on lower right.

牡牛のホールにある図2は重ね描きされている。最初に描かれたのが下部の灰色の疾駆する馬群. 次いで左中央の黒いたてがみと赤い胴体を有する一頭の馬、次いで黒の輪郭線で写実的に描かれた牛、最後に右下の赤一色の鹿が書き加えらえた。

 バイソンと人,A bison and a person、Lascaux cave 
< fig.3 A bison and a personLascaux cave >
Fig. 3 shows the only scene in which a person appears. It is rare that a person appears in the fine arts of the Old Stone Age, and even if drawn, it is childish. In this picture, there is a bison that a spear is stuck in and from which an internal organ fall out, and the person fall down before that.
On the lower side, there is a spear and a stick (probably an atlatl) that was attached a bird decoration. The person's head is like a bird with a beak, it is seen that 4 fingers and the erect sexual organsIt seems to have some kind of message in this picture.  The interpretation is a hunting scene, a transformer state of a shaman, a ceremony, etc.

Next time, I look at the last of cave fine arts and the shining time.



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