< 1. Leopold II of Belgium >
< 1.ベルギー国王レオポルト2世 >
A king who didn't look like cruel person left a permanent scar on Congo.

<2. Belgium and the Congo Free State >
< 2. ベルギーとコンゴ自由国 >
Dawn and the beginning of tragedy
Here was the Kingdom of Congo with a population of 2 - 3 million people since the 14th century.
In 1482, Portugal, a pioneer in the Age of Discovery, discovered this kingdom and the two kingdoms began diplomatic relations.
The king of Congo became Catholic and began to actively adopt Western civilization (the technology and institution).
However, many slave merchants became working behind the scenes, and conflicts of slave hunts among tribes were intensified for obtaining guns.
The next king that felt a sense of crisis about the slave trade appealed to king of Portugal and but it was ignored.
Before long, the kingdom was adding another layer of confusion due to expanding slave hunts, the spread of guns, and repeating throne succession war.
But this was only a beginning of tragedy.
Eventually the Portugal withdrew, and France replaced it in the 17th century, began to trade of slave and ivory with the Kingdom of Congo.
After Western Europe experienced the industrial revolution, in the end of the 19th century when the slave trade declined, each country began competing for obtaining a colony in the last continental Africa.
In 1884, Western powers decided to divide Africa at the Berlin Conference, this area was divided by France and Belgium, and finally the kingdom of Congo disappeared.

< 3. Atlantic slave trade >
< 3.大西洋奴隷貿易 >
In the centuries, the slaves who were taken away from the Guinea bay in Africa ranged from 1,000 million to 20 million people, perhaps the area was robbed of a half of the population and the society was seriously damaged.
The eastern area that occupied the majority of the Congo became the private estate of Leopold II of Belgium (Congo Freedom Country).
At first, the king advanced modernization of the country, but it turned into tyranny when it became a deficit.
The indigenous peoples were forced to be slaves and were thoroughly forced to work to gather ivory and rubber.
At that time, even in European countries that it was natural to exploit colonies, the tyranny was hard criticized.
Unwillingly Belgian government bought the Congo Freedom Country from the King of Belgium and it became colonial Belgian Congo (1908 - 1960).
On the other hand, small areas on the west side became French territory.
France entrusted the development of the Congo to a white company and it carried out exploitation thoroughly.
These tyrannies laid waste to the society and prepared a path that would become a country where violence and dictatorship occurred frequently even if they would be independent.
しかたなくベルギー政府は国王からコンゴを買い取り、植民地ベルギー領コンゴ(1908年 - 1960年)となった。

The tyranny of the King of Belgium
In the Congo Freedom country (1885-1908), the King monopolized the trade of ivory and rubber, and gained enormous wealth.
At that time, a demand for Congolese natural rubber for automobile tires was robust.
While eight years of its latter half, the rubber production increased by 24 times, but it was due to the harsh a quota system that indigenous people was imposed on.
If the people could not achieve the quota, their hands and feet were cut.
In addition, the population has decreased to 9 million from 30 million of the initial stage.
The number of people killed was comparable to the Jewish massacre (Holocaust).
The army founded by the king was commanded by white officers and the soldiers consisted of indigenous warriors and slaves.
The purpose of this army was not to maintain security, but to overwork the people (indigenous people that became slave).
The army whipped the people, kidnapped the women and children of those who did not comply with the quota, and burned down the village.
The soldiers had to submit to the superior officers a human hand that was cut as a proof of ammunition that they used for the subjugation.
This purpose was only to prevent using wasteful bullets.
In addition, the King aimed to expand own territory.
When a tribal king of the south side (Zambia) partnered with a British national policy concern, he sent the army, shot to kill the king and changed a puppet king.
This continues to the next time.
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