中東に平和を! 75 なぜ疲弊したのか 13: コンゴで何があったのか 1
< 1. a mine in Congo >
< 1.コンゴの鉱山 >
We are going to see how colonized countries were destined to become exhausted country.
I will mainly focus on Congo in Africa.
We will know there is the same situation as in the Middle East.

< 2. the tragedy of Congo >
< 2.コンゴの悲劇 >
Congo Crisis, Congolese refugees, the murdered President Lumumba, and the dictator President Mobutu.
Without exception, African countries had begun to be invaded by Western Europe as early as the 15th century, became completely colonized by the end of the 19th century, and accomplished independence in the middle of the 20th century.
Many are still suffering from civil war, poverty, and corruption politics.
There is a common factor in the Middle East and South America.

< 3. the kingdom of Congo >
< 3. コンゴ王国 >
The capital city of kingdom of Congo ( the 17 - 18th century), a mask of Congo (today), a bronze statue (the 12 - 15th century) and a bronze ware ( the 9 - 10th century) in Nigeria, and a ivory horn of Congo ( the 14 - 17th century).

< 4. Congo >
< 4. コンゴ >
Upper map: the distribution of Bantu languages that Congo belongs in.
Lower map: the Kingdom of Congo.
上の図: コンゴが属するバントゥ―語族の分布。
下の図: コンゴ王国。
Why do I choose the Congo?
The Congo in Africa can be said to be a miserable representative.
A number of dictators appeared in this country, the ethnic groups came into collision, and there were some civil wars to have killed many people.
Even now, in the Congo the economic downturn, the high mortality rate of infants and the high poverty rate continue, and only Congo is to left behind while other countries are beginning to grow.
This area has a jungle and savanna spreading in the vast basin where a long Congo River flows.
The area is comparable to most of Western Europe.
Here, there was the Kingdom of Congo that began in the 14th century, controlled a number of small countries, manufactured ironware and had a vast trading network.
That capital city had exceeded the population of London in the 16th century.
The language of Africa is diverse, but the Congolese language belongs to the Bantu language that occupies one third of Africa, and the Congo is located in the center.
This language family more quickly had used the ironware, advanced southward and expanded.

< 5. The beginning of the Congolese tragedy >
< 5. コンゴの悲劇の始まり >
Upper map: When the Age of Discovery started in the 15th century, Portugal went southward along the west side of Africa, and first contacted the Kingdom of Congo.
Lower map: The Congo River basin and the present Congo that was divided in three countries.
A= République Démocratique du Congo. B= République du Congo. C= Cabinda of República de Angola.
上の図: 15世紀に大航海時代が始まるとポルトガルが最初にアフリカの西側を南下し、コンゴ王国と接触した。
下の図: コンゴ川流域と現在の3分割されたコンゴ。

< 6. Current Congo >
< 6. 今のコンゴ >
Eventually a turning point arrived the west coast of Africa along with the beginning of the Age of Discovery.
Since this time, all disasters of colonies befell this area, then various proxy wars by the Cold War continued to hurt Africa.
In Africa, there are many countries shouldering a burden.
For example, countries suffering from civil war such as Somalia, Sudan, Rwanda and Sierra Leone, countries suffering from dictators such as Zimbabwe and Uganda, countries suffering from racial discrimination such as South Africa.
In particular, the Congo was subjected to the harsh treatment from the beginning, and is suffering for a long time.
If we look at the treatment the Congo received, we can understand the exhaustion of other African countries and the Middle Eastern.
This continues to the next time.
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