中東に平和を! 73: なぜ疲弊したのか 11: 何が岐路になったのか? 2
< 1. Soweto of South Africa >
< 1. 南アフリカのソウェト >
Last time, we saw that the degree of colonization will determine whether a country is being exhausted.
This time we look at some clear examples where certain history has determined the difference of exhausted country.

< 2. Compare adjacent countries >
< 2. 隣接する国を比較します >
Many people believe that Japan was not invaded by other countries and have acquired peace and prosperity because Japanese peoples are superior.
So, if two countries belong to same ethnic groups and same religions, do they get the same results?
What is going to happen to once one country that was split in two ?
For example, comparing North Korea and Korea, Bolivia and Chile, East Germany and West Germany, and Botswana and South Africa, then the described premise will be suspicious.
What made the difference?

< 3. Light and dark change of the Korean Peninsula >
< 3.朝鮮半島の明暗 >
The left-hand satellite picture: Korean Peninsula in night.
You can see the economic difference between North Korea and Korea (lower side) at a glance.
Chart on the upper right: GDP per capita.
Chart on the lower right: Stage of corrupt government. The darker the red color is, the worse the stage of it becomes.
The Korean Peninsula was divided after World War Ⅱ, and North Korea was occupied by the Soviet Union.
On the other hand, South Korea was under the US occupation.
As a result, the current gap of GDP per capita between the both countries becomes 22 times.
左の衛星写真: 夜の朝鮮半島。北朝鮮と韓国(下側)の経済の差が一目でわかります。
右上の図: 一人当たりのGDP。
右下の図: 政治の腐敗度。濃い赤色ほど悪い。

< 4. Fate of divided Germany >
< 4. 分割ドイツの運命 >
Divided Germany after World War Ⅱ had the same fate as Korean Peninsula.
The gap of GDP per capita between the eastern Germany occupied by Soviet Union and the West Germany occupied by Western countries had become about tripled at the time of integration in 1990. Annotation 1.
In the shadow of this German integration, the nation had to endure a lot of hardship to compensate for the difference in economic power, but they were able to get over it.
Before being divided into two parts, these adjoining countries had been one country each, and the ethnic groups, religion, culture were same.
For 70 or 40 years, in the counter country, the economic development was hindered and the degree of corruption of politics became worse.
This is known as a failure by the communist regime.

< 5. Sadness at the southern edge of Africa >
< 5. アフリカ南端の悲しみ >
Upper photos: The capital city of South Africa on the left, and the capital city of Botswana on the right.
Chart on the lower left: GDP per capita.
Chart on the lower right: Stage of corrupt government.
Botswana borders on South Africa at the southern age of Africa.
The South Africa is well known for apartheid (racial discrimination), but Botswana is only known as the kingdom of wild animals such as Okavango Delta.
Both countries are different ethnic group and language, but Christians account for half of each population.
The gap of GDP per capita between the Botswana that indigenous people are majority and the South Africa once dominated by white people is 1.2 times currently.
Surprisingly, the Botswana has higher economic power and the political corruption is lower.
This difference is due to the country was received harsh control in the colonial period.
Fortunately, in the Botswana, a diamond mine exceeding one-third of GDP was discovered in the year following the independence.
On the contrary, despite having been the same British colony, the South Africa, received a ferocious apartheid due to the existence of big diamond mine.
上の写真: 左が南アフリカの首都で、右はボツワナの首都です。
下左の図: 一人当たりのGDP。
下右の図: 政治の腐敗度。

< 6. Things that happened to descendants of Inca >
< 6. インカの末裔に訪れたもの >
Upper photos: Children in Bolivia on the left, and Children in Chile on the right.
Chart on the lower left: GDP per capita.
Chart on the lower right: Stage of corrupt government.
上の写真: 左がボリビアの子供達、右がチリの子供達。
下左の図: 一人当たりのGDP。
下右の図: 政治の腐敗度。
The same thing happened to the South America.
The Bolivia is in the mountains, and bordering Chile on the coast.
Currently, the economic power per capita of Bolivia is only one-third of the Chile. Annotation 2.
Both countries belonged to the Inca Empire, next became a Spanish colony since the 16th century, and were fulfilling independence in the early 19th century.
In both countries, Christians became the majority.
It seems like the same situation, but what made the difference?
The hint is in the ethnic composition.
The percentage of indigenous peoples is 55% in the Bolivia but less than 5% in the Chile.
In other words, the Chile is a white country containing mixed-blood.
This difference began with Potosi mine in the Bolivia having produced large amounts of gold and silver from the 16th century.
By Spaniards, the indigenous peoples of the Bolivia were overworked in this mine and the Chile began to play a role as a food production base by migrants from Western Europe.
The harsh domination left this serious aftereffect there, too.
This continues to the next time.
アンガス・マディソン著、「世界経済の成長史 1820~1992年」、p181より。
世界銀行による国内総生産額 (一人当り購買力平価)では世界でチリ51位(2013年)、ボリビア120位(2013年)です。
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