Sunday, October 30, 2016

Bring peace to the Middle East! 40: chain of retaliation 8 : Why the Middle East war began? 1

中東に平和を! 40: 報復の連鎖 8 : なぜ中東戦争は始まったのか? 1

<  1.  Jerusalem mayor which surrendered to the British Army in 1917  >
< 1.1917年、英国軍に降伏するエルサレム市長 >

I looked back on the Middle East war last time.
Why did the Arabic countries deprecate nation-building of Israel and open war with Jew?
Before investigating this reason, I take up a rumor about the Middle East war.


About the rumor
"Arab opened war with Jew, and was defeated, so the present tragic situation of Palestinian is a natural consequence."
This is an excuse that Israelis often use.

Is it really true?
I regard this rumor as malicious false rumor due to the following reasons.



<  2.  The Middle East of 1920s  >
<2.1920年代の中東 >

1.  The Arab was not able to defeat Jew.
Around that time, the West and the Soviet Union banished Jew from own country, and gave anything including supply weapons in order to let Jew settle down in other area.
In a twist of irony, it did not need to be Palestine.
The world, particularly Christianity countries gave approval of it with atonement and antipathy in their eyes.

In order to win the war, the Arabic countries might have to have opened the war during 1920s.
But it was impossible in those days because the Arab was under the rule of Britain and France.

2. The conflict continued even if the Arab won.
The Jew must have counterattacked by thorough resistance and terrorism, and I think Israel defeated the Arab in some time or other.
We know the Jew ever practiced radical terrorism in the Middle East.

3.Even if the Arab did not open the war, Palestine could not change the situation.
It is difficult for us to understand this.
This reason is because the Jew had financial power, intellect, and network which had overwhelmed Palestinian Arab.
They connected to the world through the Mediterranean Sea by basing on Israel even if it was small.
This is almost same as the Solomon empire in 3,000 years ago.
Thus, Israel overwhelmed Palestine by economic power, military capability, and political might.

This is a typical pattern of the offensive and defensive battle that have been repeated between advanced colonist and indigenous people.
If left untreated, the result is clear.

In other words, the Middle East war did not cause the present tragic situation of Palestine, and was only one derived phenomenon.

1. アラブはユダヤに勝つことが出来なかった。



2. もしアラブが勝っていても、紛争は続いた。


<  3.  Jewish settlement in 1947  >
< 3. 1947年のユダヤ人入植地 >

3. アラブが開戦しなくても、パレスチナのアラブ人の状況を変えることは出来なかった。




What! Is there a problem?
My point is, a fact unfortunately has been repeated, that a superior group tried to take in and rule an inferior group, and banished and eliminated if the latter did not the follow.

On the other hand, the Jew has been oppressed even though the Jew was an excellent race.
And, now, they seem to get their revenge for 2500 years.
Ironically, the people that were discriminated have oppressed other people adversely.

Even if there is Jew who recognizes the pain of others from the experience, the group's reaction is different unfortunately.
It is a historical fact that most come to overwhelm an enemy from a sense of fear and a chain of the retaliation happens at last.

On the next time, I will consider the situation the Middle East war began.






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