クロアチア・スロベニアを巡って 7: 遥かなりスロベニア 後編
< 1. Capital city Ljubljana >
< 1.首都リュブリャナ >
Slovenia was a migration route of Syrian refugees.
This thing was involved in the birth of Slovenia.
We look at this country’s history roughly.
From ancient times, Balkan Peninsula was ...
< 2. Migrations >
< 2. 民族移動 >
Upper map: Human migrations.
Center map: Great Barbarian Invasion.
Lower map: Slav migrations.
上図: 新人類の移動。
中央の図: ゲルマン人の移動。
下図: スラブ人の移動。
Several tens of thousand years ago, when the new human left Africa and went into Europe, they passed through Balkan Peninsula.
In addition, the farming culture born in west Asia spread through Europe via this area.
In the 5thcentury, the Germanic peoples passed through the northern part of Balkan Peninsula, and ruined the Western Roman Empire.
Furthermore, in the 7th century, east-west Slav settled in Russia and Poland, and south Slav settled in Balkan Peninsula.
< 3. Contour map and imperial ambits >
< 3. 地形図と帝国の勢力図 >
Two red ovals of the both maps indicate Slovenia.
Upper map: The very long Danube River that flowed through from the west to the east became main ethnic migration route, and also grew Austria and Hungary Empire.
On the other hand, because there are a large number of mountains in Balkan Peninsula, growing to a large country is difficult, and this area comes to suffer among some empires.
上図: 東西に流れる長大なドナウ川は民族の移動ルートとなり、またオーストリアとハンガリー帝国を育んだ。
Lower map: Empires that affected Balkan Peninsula.
Influence A: Since the 10th century, the Holy Roman Empire, and next, Austrian Empire in the same German-speaking sphere.
Influence B: Since the 10th century, Hungarian Empire.
Influence C: The Western Roman Empire collapsed in the 5thcentury, and since the 13th century, Venice ruled the ocean.
Influence D: The Eastern Roman Empire collapsed in the 15thcentury, and Ottoman Empire replaced it.
Influence E: Since the 17th century, Russia.
下図: バルカン半島に影響を与えた帝国を示す。
勢力A: 10世紀からドイツ語圏の神聖ローマ帝国、次いでオーストリア帝国。
勢力B: 10世紀に興ったハンガリー帝国。
勢力C: 5世紀に西ローマ帝国が滅亡し、13世紀以降、海洋を支配したベネチア。
勢力D: 15世紀に東ローマ帝国が滅亡し、取って代わったオスマントルコ。
勢力E: 17世紀以降のロシア。
Slovenia built a small kingdom in an early stage, but was not able to gain independent from the influence A.
For Austrian (influence A), Slovenia was a pivot for advancing to the Mediterranean Sea and was a defense line next to Croatia for Ottoman (influence D).
On the other hand, Croatia opposed against Ottoman Empire and Venice (influence C) under the guardianship of Hungary (influence B).
Since the 16thcentury, Hungary was incorporated in Austria, and Croatia and Slovenia were unified together with Europe.
On the other hand, Serbia that would build the greatest kingdom as south Slav was placed under guardianship of the Eastern Rome Empire, and next, was ruled by Ottoman Empire.
As the result, the people became refugees and the different ethnic groups began to live by as mixed together in Balkan, and this became a factor to cause a racial problem later.
During this time, many religions were mixed together, too.
In Influence A, B and C, Christian Catholicism became important.
In Influence D, It was the Greek Orthodox Church of the Eastern Rome Empire early, but subsequently Islam became the mainstream by Ottoman Empire.
Balkan came to be called "a powder magazine in Europe" in this way.
< 4. Slovenian history >
< 4. スロベニアの歴史 >
Upper map: Austria-Hungary Empire, 1880.
Center map: Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, 1943-1992.
Lower map: Current Republic of Slovenia.
上図: オーストリア・ハンガリー帝国、1880年。
中央の図: ユーゴスラビア社会主義連邦共和国、1943~1992年。
下図: 現在のスロベニア共和国。
The process of the birth of current Slovenia
In the 19th century, by an influence of Europe, ethnic consciousness was rising by the revival of language and literary arts in all places of Balkan.
In this time, the federation by south Slav was recalled for the first time, and a kingdom of Serbia, Croat, and Slovenia was born first in 1918.
After that, after a confusion of World War II, Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was born by banding together much bigger.
However, when pivotal President Tito died, the federation was cracked due to mutual economic interests mainly.
In 1991, Slovenia declared independence first, and this federation collapsed after some civil wars for 10 years.
After all, Slovenia selected the way of independence as a south Slav of Austrian group, in a departure from south Slav of other cultural spheres, Croatia or Serbia.
Thus, in Balkan Peninsula, the passion of own ethnic for over 1000 years and the intense hatred for other ethnic swirled.
This continues next time.
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