桂林を訪れました 5: 桂林町歩き 1

< 1. Twin towers of Shanhu Lake, at 8:35 >
< 1.杉湖の双塔、8:35 >
I introduce the scenery and life of urban area of Guilin in installments.
This time, I introduce a night of the most lively downtown.
< 2. My stroll routes >
< 2. 散策したルート >
The upper side of the map is the north side.
Yellow line: The route that we started to take a stroll through from our hotel at 19:20 of Wednesday, September 16.
The hotel is located in upper-right side of the map, and is “ Guilin Royal Garden Hotel”.
Yellow circle: The spot that I photographed the Twin towers of Shanhu Lake.
Led line: The route that we started to take a stroll through from our hotel at 16:30 of Thursday, September 17.
黄線: 9月16日(水)の19:20頃、ホテルを出発して散策したルートです。
黄丸: 杉湖の双塔を撮影した地点。
赤線: 9月17日(木)の16:30頃、ホテルを出発して散策したルートです。
< 3. Jiefang bridge >
< 3. 解放橋から >
1: At 19:38, I look at the east side.
2: At 19:41, I look at the west side, and there is a center that we were going to in this direction.
3: At 18:56, Elephant Trunk Hill was seen in the center of Lijiang river.
4: At 18:59, I look at the east side, and mountains of Qixing park was seen across this bridge.
1: 19:38、東側を見ている。
2: 19:41、西側、これから行く中心街の方を見ている。
3: 18:56、漓江下流の中央に象鼻山が見える。
4: 18:59、東側、橋の向こうに七星公園の山々が見える。
< 4. The first half of Zhengyang Pedestrian St. >
< 4. 正陽歩行街の前半 >
Three photos are things of from 20:00 to 20:05.
If you click here, you can see a video of 16 seconds.
This shopping district is a pedestrian street all day.
Even as it was weekday, there are a lot of crowds, and the department store also was full.
Tourists of a group and westerners were few, and most seemed to be domestic tourist or local people.
The difference between Japanese shopping streets and this street is few.
I didn't feel this area was dangerous.
< 5. The last half of Zhengyang Pedestrian St. >
< 5. 正陽歩行街の後半 >
8,9: At 20:09, it is a mooncake shop under the clock tower in a crossroads.
Mooncakes had been sold in everywhere, this shop was abundant in kinds of the cake, and we bought many kinds of it.
When I came to this place, suddenly, I smelled the perfume of fragrant olive subtly.
The name of Guilin was originated in the fragrant olive, I had expected the fragrant olive in full bloom, but unfortunately smelled the perfume only here.
10: At 20:24, the outside souvenir shops lined in the street from here.
8、9: 20:09、十字路にある時計台の下の月餅店。
10: 20:24、ここからは屋台の土産物店が並んでいました。
< 6. Twin towers of Shanhu Lake >
< 6. 杉湖と双塔、8:35 >
I wanted to take a picture of this, and I came here, and it was worth it.
But we lost our way after this, and returned to hotel by taxi.
Anyway, it was a big city.
< 7. Zhongshan Middle Rd. >
< 7. 中山中路 >
11: At 19:36, around central high buildings was an intersection with Zhongshan Middle Rd. and Jiefang Rd.
12: At 19:36, there was the biggest bookstore of Guilin in the right side building.
In September 17, I went round two bookstores.
The first bookstore beside Lijiang river was small, but was a inside with a nice atmosphere.
There were many youths who enjoyed reading at tables in the bookstore.
Next, the bookstore in the photo even had the fourth floor.
Unfortunately this store hadn’t put books that I looked for and were written in Japanese and English.
I bought several books in Chinese after all.
In this bookstore, the space and service for children were enriched, and a lot of parent sand children had come.
Both bookstores were so, and these clerks coped kindly when I asked them some questions.
However, because of my ignorance, I kept these clerks long.
Finally, I thanked for it, and left here with a smile.
Thus, our stroll for two days was over.
This continues next time.
11: 19:36、中央の高い建物辺りが中山中路と解放路との交差点です。
12: 19:36、右側の建物に桂林最大の書店がありました。
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