スペインとポルトガルを巡る旅 20: 栄光のリスボン1、8日目、10月19日
< 1. Padrao dos Descobrimentos >
< 1. 発見のモニュメント >
I introduce the sightseeing of Lisbon from now on in several times.
Today, I introduce Belen area that there are Mosterio dos Jeronimos and Torre de Belen in.
These show the glory of the Age of Discovery.
< 2. Mosterio dos Jeronimos(monastery) >
< 2. ジェロニモス修道院 >
The Belen area was along Rio Tejo that went to 6km west from the Lisbon center, and there was the port that many explorers left in the Age of Discovery.
Manuel I praised the discovery of an Indian route by Vasco da Gama and the great achievement of Infante Dom Henrique, and began to build this monastery in 1502, and it was completed 300 years later.
The building fund was financed by huge profit of the spice trade that had started from Vasco da Gama.
< 3. the South Portal(front gate), Mosterio dos Jeronimos >
< 3. ジェロニモス修道院の南門 >
A statue of Infante Dom Henrique is in the upper part of the center of the front gate.
The entrance is west gate being in the left side.
< 4. an inside of the church >
< 4. 教会の内部1 >
Upper photo: if I enter, the space of a strange world like looking up suddenly spreads in the darkness.
This decoration is called Manueline style and it rose in the Age of Discovery of Manuel I, in the early 16th century.
This features the relief engraving that concerned the ocean including a rope, coral, a celestial globe, and using the motif of a foreign animal and a plant.
Lower photo: a room on the right side is the grave of the king that the coffin is placing in.
5 pictures on that Christ's life was drawn were in the inside.
上図: 入ると、突然、暗がりの中に仰ぎ見るような異郷の空間が広がる。
下図: 右手の部屋が棺を安置している王の墓(礼拝堂)です。
< 5. the inside of the church >
< 5. 教会の内部2 >
Upper photo: there are pillars that were made with myriaddecoration, and the part supporting the ceiling is like the palm tree.
Lower left photo: The coffin of Vasco da Gama. The coffin of Camoes is in the opposite.
Lower right photo: It is one of the stained glass in the south wall that drew the king's wedding.
上図 : 夥しい数の装飾が施された柱、その天井を支える部分は椰子の木を想わせる。
左下図: ヴァスコ・ダ・ガマの棺。向かいには大詩人カモンイスの棺がある。
右下図: 王の結婚式を描いた南の壁にあるステンドグラスの一つ。
< 6. dining room of the monk >
< 6. 修道士の食堂 >
There is Azulejo (picture tile) that had been made in the 18th century in lower all of the wall.
An origin of Azulejo is Arabia, it went through Sevilla, and it became painting-like from a geometric pattern in Portugal.
< 7. ambulatory of the monastery >
< 7. 修道院の回廊 >
The pillar and the arch were made with the sculpture of Manueline style.
< 8. in around monastery >
< 8. 修道院周辺 >
Upper photo: The east side of the monastery.
A shop famed for egg tart (cake) is behind a tram.
Because a people form in front of the shop was long, we bought it on a different shop beside it, and it was good.
Lower photo: The street market was being opened on a plaza in front of the monastery.
I purchased a coaster of Azulejo (picture tile) on here.
上図: 修道院の東側。
下図: 修道院前の広場で露天市が開かれていた。
< 9. Torre de Belen >
< 9. ベレンの塔 >
In the early 16thcentury, this tower was built on a middle of Rio Tejo as a fortress that protected the river mouth and monitored the river.
Many cannons are in hiding behind the five square windows of the first floor.
A lady who wore a white dress with gorgeous accessories seems to welcome the sailor who would return to the port after several years.
< 10. Padrao dos Descobrimentos >
< 10. 発見のモニュメント >
Upper photo: This monument built in 1960.
The persons of merit from the Age of Discovery line up in order of the achievement toward the river mouth (left side).
A top position is Infante Dom Henrique, the third is Vasco da Gama, subsequently, marine explorers line up, and the 16th is Francis Xavier.
Lower photo: World map made of marble just before this monument.
The countries that Portugal found are recorded.
In next time, I look at why the Age of Discovery started from the west end of Europe, Portugal.
上図: 1960年に建てられた祈念碑。
下図: モニュメント手前の大理石製の世界地図。ポルトガルが発見した国が記されている。
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