Thursday, December 25, 2014

Traveling to Spain and Portugal 31: Avila city of a castle wall, Spain, October 22

スペインとポルトガルを巡る旅 31: 城壁の町アビラ、スペイン、10月22日

A sightseeing place and Avila of fortress

< 1. A sightseeing place and Avila of fortress >
< 1.展望台と城砦都市アビラ >

Today, I introduce Avila famous for rigid castle wall.

Avila came into view 

< 2.  Avila came into view >
< 2.アビラが見えてきた >
Upper photo:  Our bus had run through the plateau from Salamanca, and our bus began to climb additionally.
Central photo:  A tower of Cathedral in Avila came into view on the right end.
Lower photo:  A full view of the castle wall of Avila.

About Avila

This was a city that was made by the Roman Empire in ancient times, and is the capital of a province now.
It is really cold in winter because that it is on higher plateau of 1131 m above sea level.
It is located in about 100 km from Salamanca in direct distance, and in about 90 km from Madrid in direct distance by traversing mountain range with south and east.
This castle wall is in a good state of preservation, and became the world heritage.

上の写真: サラマンカから高原地帯を走って来たが、更にバスは上り始めた。
中央の写真: 右端にアビラの大聖堂の塔が見えてきた。
下の写真: アビラの城壁の全景。


the old city and the castle wall 

< 3.  the old city and the castle wall >
< 3. 旧市街と城壁 >
Upper photo:  A cathedral is seen in the center of inside of the castle wall.
Central photo:  The castle wall began to be built when people recaptured this town from Muslim in the 11th century, and was completed after 9 years.
The castle wall has 2.5km in total length, 12m in height, width approximately 3m, 88 towers and parapetwall.

上の写真: 城壁内の中央にカテドラルが見える。
中央の写真: この城壁は、イスラム教徒から町を奪還した11世紀末から9年をかけて建設された。

Gate de San Vicente

< 4.  Gate de San Vicente >
< 4. サン・ビセンテ門 >
It is a representative gate as appearing heavy.
Seeing the structure, I understood they had aimed at inexpugnableness for providing for the attack of the Muslim.

Lower two photos:  I took a picture from inside the castle.


下の2枚の写真: 城壁内から撮ったもの。

< 5.  A panorama photo of outside the castle from Gate de San Vicente >
< 5.サン・ビセンテ門から城外のパノラマ(180度の視界) >


< 6.  Town 
< 6. 街並み >
Upper photo:  I looked down at a new town in mid-course of going up to the castle gate neighborhood.
The fortress (old city) is on the flat hill of 20-30m in height.

Central photo:  Church de San Vicente is in front of Gate de San Vicente.
Avila is known as the place in where Teresa of Avila who performed convent reform was born and raised.

Lower photo:  When I entered Gate de San Vicente, I saw soon the town street.
Cathedral along with the castle wall is seen in the back of the right side photo.


This sightseeing was only photograph time at two spots (the castle gate and the sightseeing place) without tour guides.
Its time was 40 minutes from 16:40 including busing and restroom break.
Still, I passed through a castle gate, could observe inside and outside of the castle wall and was satisfied due partly to be fine weather.

上の写真: 城門近くまで登る途中で、新市街を見下ろした。

中央の写真: サン・ビセンテ門の前にあるサン・ビセンテ教会。

下の写真: サン・ビセンテ門を入った直ぐの街並み。


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