中東に平和を! 77 なぜ疲弊したのか 15: コンゴで何があったのか 3
< 1. コンゴに雇われた白人傭兵 >
In 1960, although the Congo was able to be independent, it had to go to a road of suffering afterward, too.
I will investigate why the Congo must be exhausted.
That is because the colonial occupation completely destroyed the society.

Most countries except the West and Japan had become colonies in the last few centuries.
In ancient time, even the West was colonized or was ruled by different ethnic groups.
What of the colonial occupation in these centuries destroyed this society ?
I organize the problems.

A. Monoculture: colonial master compelled the colony to cultivate only a kind of crop.
The reason was for importing cheap food and raw materials and exporting own industrial products.
As a result, the colony became impossible to be self-sufficient, and starvation caused by unseasonable weather could occur.
In addition, the industrialization of the colony became underdeveloped, and it became impossible to escape from dependence on the colonial master .
Even after independence, these colonies were exposed to dumping ( by various agricultural protection policies) of agricultural crops of major powers and many farmers were hard hit.
B. An obscurantist policy: colonial education was kept to a minimum in order to keep costs down and to prevent awakening of indigenous people's political consciousness.
As a result, their literacy rate became lower, a modern political culture did not grow up, and it became a factor hindering their democratization.
C. Division policy: colonial master gave important posts to one side of tribes and sects, and fanned the flames of hatred and distrust against each other, to prevent independence and rebellion by indigenous peoples,
This led to division and conflict after independence.
D. Puppet regime: colonial master preserved colonial exploitation regimes and made a puppet of the top or king in the interest of saving time.
The colonial master or multinational enterprise has supported the puppet regime being a dictatorship and prevented all democratic movements in order to securing interests (resource exploitation) even after the independence.
A モノカルチャー: 宗主国は植民地に単一の農作物だけを栽培させた。
B 愚民化: 植民地の教育は費用を抑え、先住民の政治意識の覚醒を防止する為に最低限度に留められた。
C 分断政策: 先住民による独立や反乱を防ぐ為に、部族や宗派などの一方だけを重用し、相互不信と憎悪を植え付けた。
D 傀儡化: 宗主国は手間を省く為に植民地の搾取体制を温存しトップを傀儡化した。

F. Border determination: the border was determined by the convenience of some colonial masters, and the relation between existing tribes were broken.
Many tribes had been coexisting within the enforced border, and the borders were only an obstacle for nomadic people or farmers of jungle land.
Also during the Great War, many colonial masters added fuel to ethnic independence and eventually betrayed them, but this also became a source of internal conflict later.
The reason why a former colony being independent do not go well can be summarized in these, but it is still not enough.
F 国境決定: 国境は宗主国同士の都合で決まり、既存の部族間の繋がりが断ち切られた。

A deeper reason
"The Western countries that were once invaded are developing.
But the Africa and the Middle East still are exhausted.
Why are there different among these? "
This point is important.
Looking back on the war and domination among Western European countries since the Middle Ages, the aforementioned five problems were not as harsh as against colonies of other areas.
Furthermore, it was a few centuries ago that the Western Europe countries became national states.
So then, why was not it harsh?
They were the same Christians, and also belonged to the same civilization having similar languages and ethnic groups.
And they continued to evolve in the same way, and the military power almost had been held in equilibrium.
This affected ways of the war and domination.
In reverse, this thing resulted in a difference from colonial rule against the Africa and Middle East.
This continues to the next time.
「 かつて侵略された欧米は発展している。
なぜ違うのか? 」
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