< 1. al Qaeda >
We again look at the Middle East situation, and the background for intensification of the armed struggle in the Middle East.

< 2. the Arab Spring in Egypt >
A conflict between laicism and Islamic Renaissance
Nasser criminalized groups like the Moslem Brotherhood (belong to Sunni, since 1928) because conventional party politics caused confusion, and started a one-party dictatorship.
This will produce the serious conflict with Islamic groups in the future.
In 1958, Syria founded United Arab Republic (till 1961) together with Egypt to depend on Nasser’s reputation.
The Syrian Moslem Brotherhood also aiming at Islamic Renaissance had opposed Baath party (was active in Syria and Iraq) that advocated modernization, socialism, and pan-Arab-ism.
In 1970, the Moslem Brotherhood moreover resisted it after the military coup occurred by General Assad (father of current President).
The Assad was a secularist and represented Islam Alawites (Shiah) of the minority.
Because Assad repeated severe oppression for the Moslem Brotherhood, the resistance of it declined before long, but a part of it radicalized in Egypt and Syria, and this assassinated Sadat.
In 1979, Iran founded the Islamic Republic from a regal government by rejecting the longtime intervention by Europe and America.
This encouraged Arab of the same Muslim to aim at the Islam Renaissance.

< 3. principal roles (?) in the Middle East >
From the top, Assad of Syria, Maliki of Iraq, Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.
In addition
Triggered by the Gulf War inf 1991 after Soviet Union withdrawal, Al-Qaeda (Osama bin Laden) that had fought for Muslim in Afghanistan turned for anti-Americanism.
After 2003, they made the terrorism radical as anti-Western and anti-laicism in Iraq that came to be confused and impoverishment by the previous economic blockade and the Iraqi War (2003-2011 years).
In the 2010s, the Iraqi autonomous government executed mass layoffs of Sunni (soldier etc.) that held a majority until then.
In addition, the Syrian Assad Administration (Shiah) oppressed Sunni of the majority when a demonstration occurred in the Arab Spring (2011).
Thus, the extremists of the Sunni were connected with Iraqi one and Syrian one.
Then, Islamic nation (ISIL) parted from al Qaeda (Sunni), and extended their influence as if to fill the niche between other extremists and government troop.
It was the United States to have enhanced the military strength of al Qaeda and Iraq.
And it were the U.S. and the U.K. to have begun the Gulf War hastily and the Iraqi War by making up the reason.
It occurred in the Middle East that a fall of Egypt being representative of laicism, a hard battle of the Arabic countries and Palestine, on the other hand, the military intervention by the western, and the Israeli prosperity by the help of the western, too.
So, Arab came to aim at the Islamic Renaissance in the opposite direction from the past.
Then, one part of them radicalized like "a cornered mouse will bite the cat".

< 4. in a mosque >
Further background
I answer following questions and will clear up the main point.
A: "Why is there a lot of military autocracy in Arab countries in the Middle East ?"
This area continues to suffer from heavy damages by the rule (colony) of different ethnic groups for over several centuries, such as late industrialization, low literacy rate, and landlord system.
In addition, many borders that ignored inhabitants were demarcated by some colonial powers in the early 20th century, and most of royal house given by them national territory were only puppets.
Under such circumstances, it was fate to lead to military autocracy from the royal house that lost the trust.
B: “ Why do Islamic groups fiercely conflict with secularist rulers? ”
There is some problems of the Islam as for it, but, in the Middle East, I think it is to due to the fact that the persons that ever contributed to the independence were leaders of Muslim than a simple martialist.
C: “Why can't the Arab countries work cooperatively for Palestinian independence ? ”
This answer is the same as question A, but an oil generation negatively affect more.
Most of oil-producing countries (Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf countries) continue an outdated autocracy system by the royal house.
Furthermore, Europe and America supports it, so the Arabic democratization and solidarity in the Middle East fade away by supporting these non-democratic governments.
This situation leads to the oppression against the Arab Spring and to supporting extremists, and the news aren’t leaked outside, too.
Probably, the biggest factor of the intensified struggle is that people cannot trust the domestic government and the Western, and just have to strongly connect together in only local Islamic community.
This continues the next time.
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