Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Winter seashore in Awaji Island 1

淡路島 冬の海岸1

The left end in a far mountain range is the Kitan Strait

< 1.  The left end in a far mountain range is the Kitan Strait >
< 1. 遠くの山並みの左端が紀淡海峡です >

From now on, I introduce the sceneries of winter seashore in Awaji Island in installments.
Today, it is scenery that I photographed from the road between Higashiura and Sumoto.


The photography day was February 19, 2015, and clouds were rising, but when the clouds drifted away, Osaka bay was beautiful.
Taking photographs of these began from Kamaguchi of Higashiura, and finished close to Sumoto in last.


Flowers of oilseed rape were in full bloom 

< 2.  Flowers of oilseed rape were in full bloom >
< 2. 菜種が満開でした >

 the opposite shore is in Sennan of Osaka prefecture from Wakayama prefecture

< 3.  the opposite shore is in Sennan of Osaka prefecture from Wakayama prefecture
< 3. 対岸は大阪府の泉南から和歌山になります >

 the fishermen are harvesting seaweed in the waters off Awaji Island

 the fishermen are harvesting seaweed in the waters off Awaji Island

< 4,5.  the fishermen are harvesting seaweed in the waters off Awaji Island >
< 4、5. 漁師が沖に出て海苔を収穫しています >

Now, it is a picking season.
This work is hard at cold windy day.


The low mountain seen subtly in the distance is Mount Rokko of the opposite bank 

< 6.  The low mountain seen subtly in the distance is Mount Rokko of the opposite bank >
< 6.遠くに微かに見える低い山並みは、対岸の六甲山系です >

the place of mountain range disconnected far in left and right is the Kitan Strait.

< 7.  the place of mountain range disconnected far in left and right is the Kitan Strait. >
< 7. 遠く左右の山並みが途切れているところが紀淡海峡です >

It was windy a little on this day, but when the sun shone bright between the clouds, I felt coming of spring a little.


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