Monday, November 18, 2013

History of sickness and medical art 14: It originated in ancient Egypt

A boy hold a mandragora in his hand. 

< A boy hold a mandragora in his hand. >

This time, I pursue three mysterious things: mandragora, a circumcision, and pork evasion.

This is a nightshade that was used as a painkiller in Egypt.
On the movie "Harry Potter", a mandragora was grown as a miracle drug that break the magic spell.
In "Romeo and Juliet", it appeared as a medicine that brought suspended animation.
Since this plant had high virulence, it brought about hallucination, and the rhizome resembled a human form, from ancient times, diverse legends was born.



 A art work in the 15 century: a mandragora is visible to the upper left 

< A art work in the 15 century: a mandragora is visible to the upper left >

Mandragora was regarded as the precious material of a magic medicine, a tonic, and an elixir of life.
But, since it was thought that the harvest was dangerous, they made a dog draw out it, as shown in the picture.

 “The mandrakes give forth fragrance. At our doors are all kinds of precious fruits, new and old, which I have stored up for you, my beloved.” the Song of Solomon7-14
It is written as the plant that has the effect of fertilizing in the Old Testament.


A circumcision of Christ in a picture of the 17th century

< A circumcision of Christ in a picture of the 17th century >

The circumcision was required for Judaist.
However, the history was old and it has been already drawn on an Egyptian mural in 2300 years B.C.


Three flamens are doing two boys a ceremony of a circumcision.

< Three flamens are doing two boys a ceremony of a circumcision. >

In many parts of the world from time immemorial, the circumcision was carried out as a rite of passage to a young man, and it doubled as hygiene.
In Egypt, it was common for the lower class from old times, after 1 millennium B.C., the flamens were obliged to carry out it.
In Judaism, this was caught strictly, and it was preached in Genesis that boys have to perform it on the eighth day after being born.
Although this was taken over to Islam, St. Paul exempted the pagan from it, and Christianity became a better position to spread.


Set: the head was expressed in a pig or jackals. 

< Set: the head was expressed in a pig or jackals. >

Evasion of pork
Although pig began to be bred all over the world from old times, since it was not suitable for pasturage, it was restricted to the settlement farmland.
In Egypt, it was often eaten in Nile Delta which agriculture was prosperous in, but was rare in the upstream of Nile.
Some King dedicated several thousand pigs to a shrine.
After Egypt was unified by a King of the upstream, Osiris of its guardian deity gradually became an important God.
Set that was expressed with the head of a pig opposed Osiris.


Set: the head was expressed in a pig or jackals.

< Set: the head was expressed in a pig or jackals. >

After one millennium B.C., the flamens were prohibited from eating pork, and the nobles begun to evade it.
On the other hand, Israel was also hostile to Ball that was a God of agriculture in Phoenicia.
It led to edible prohibition of pork in Leviticus of the Old Testament
The reason for the prohibition was that the appearance was ugly, gives off a bad smell, was dirty, an animal for meat, and a sacrifice beast of paganism.
This commandment was taken over to Islam of nomadic herders.


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