< 1. A caricature of the intifada (revolt) >
Today, I confirm the present conditions of Palestine and Israel.

< 2. The book I extracted this passages from >
The book
“ voices of local people living in Palestine and Israel”
A Middle Eastern specialized journalist interviewed people of every hierarchy of both areas between 1993 and 2003.
I took up interviews of two families in Gaza Strip, and extracted and summarized it.
Gaza Strip
At the time of the interview, Israel promoted people's settling in Gaza, but withdrew from Gaza in 2005.
Gaza became a base of Palestinian radicals, and Israeli military forces was stationed in Gaza in those days.
Presently, the Israel surrounds Gaza with separation barrier, bombs Gaza in retaliation for terrorism, and thoroughly performs to blockade at two checkpoints.
Gaza is one of two autonomous areas of the Palestinians, the land space is small in 6% of the whole, but it occupies 38% of population of the whole.

< 3. Gaza Strip in 2003 >
Blue arias are the Israeli settlements of those days.
Rafah is on a border with Egypt, at lower left-side in Gaza.
Israeli settler
This is a interview in 2002.
This husband of a Israeli family settled in here by the government assistance several years ago.
“This situation has changed really since the autumn of 2000 when the intifada began in.
Rocket bombs come flying at here almost every night.”
“In 1948 when Israel was born, an Arab picked war with us.
Then our Israel did not have a option other than fighting.
And we won the war.
This Israel is land that a Jew was promised for by God, as it is written in the Bible.
The United Nations admitted that this land was our land. “
“I wish that we can coexist sometime.
However, I do not think that we can give a Palestinian an independent nation, their land, and armed forces.
Because they cannot trust them. "
The family didn’t receive a damage by terrorism directly, but he explains the position of Israel well.
The points that he points out.
A: Arab began the war, and Israel won it.
B: the Israeli settling has been written in the Bible, the United Nations recognizes it.
C: the intifada that was begun by Palestinian worsened the situation.
Most of them wish Palestinian leave this land.

< 4. Gaza Strip >
This is a interview in 2003.
This husband of a Palestinian family who earned money by working away from home, and built a house in Rafah in seven years.
“In September, 2001, we had slept in the house.
We heard an explosion suddenly and woke up.
Israeli military forces soon came over near, and began to blow up neighboring houses.
We evacuated to the neighborhood hastily.
I went to see our house the next morning, it had been approximately completely destroyed.”
“Till the intifada, I had worked in Israel.
Our former livelihood level was around 70% of average livelihood, but the present livelihood is zero.
In here, we were in constant fear of bulldozer, tank, gundown, and massacre.”
“We always heard, “a colloquy,and a colloquy”,and already felt disgust for it.
Since when the Intifada began, our circumstances continue to worsen everyday during two and a half years.
When two or three Palestinians were murdered, the news was spread to all over the world.
However, 15 or 20 people are murdered every day now.”
Anyone of his family members didn’t die, but he explains the situation of Gaza well.
A fear of death, hopeless life, and indifference rule them.
The reason why Israel destroys all houses of Rafah is to cut off supporting terrorism from the Egypt.
One reality

< 5. Death toll of both areas by the battle, by visualizingpalestine >
Dead persons of Palestinian are much more than Israel, and the killing continues after the Gaza withdrawal in 2005.
This continues the next time.
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