Tuesday, September 27, 2016
I ask a favor of many people around the world.
Please tell me your opinion about peace of the Middle East.
One thing I ask you to
I began this serialization ”Bring peace to the Middle East!” on this March, and a half year passed since it.
I knew how the present conditions and the history of the Middle East are miserable, but haven’t hopes for peace yet.
Under the circumstances, I think that the Middle East escapes from the quagmire is impossible.
An important matter I think now is “ problems of your side, or points that your side should make a compromise”.
Because the problems of your enemy is already known.
Furthermore, in history of conflict around the world, mutual understanding is indispensable to get peace without unilateral complete defeat.
Therefore I want to know how a Muslim and a Jew living in the Middle East have understood this problems.
Please write your thought about the following questions about "conflict and peace of the Middle East".
you answer any one of the questions.
It is also good to be written by person except the Middle East or to write about the topic except these questions.
Question A: What of your side (country, denomination, race, principles) is an obstacle to the peace?
Question B: What should your side improve to approach peace?
Question C: What of your side causes a quagmire of the conflict ?
Question D: What do you want to the rest of the world except the Middle East?
About description
Less than 500 characters, please.
Please write your country, sex, and age if possible.
My blog
Japanese blog
「アクアコンパス 3」 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/aqacompass
「アクアコンパス2」 http://aqacompass.seesaa.net/
「学のブログ」 http://ameblo.jp/aqacompass
「アクアコンパス5」 http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/aquacompass5
「アクアコンパス 8」 http://aquacompass.blog.fc2.com/
The blog written in Japanese and English.
“aquacompass 7” https://aquacompass7.wordpress.com/
“aquacompass 8” http://aquacompass8.blogspot.jp/
“ aquacompass-eng” http://aquacompass-eng.blogspot.jp/
“aquacompass9” http://yamadamanabu.livejournal.com/
Thanks in advance.
This serialization still continues.
Monday, September 26, 2016
南信州を訪ねて 7: 馬の背からの眺望
< 1. 駒ヶ岳を望む >
< 2. 馬の背に到着 >
上の写真: ここを少し下ると駐車場です。南側です。
中央の写真: ここは真ん中で、西側、名古屋方面を見ています。
下の写真: ここを進むと駒ヶ岳を望めます。北側です。
< 3.馬の背からの眺め 1 >
上の写真: 西側を望む。
下の写真: 北西を望む。山頂は横岳でしょうか。
< 4. 馬の背からの眺め 2 >
< 5. 馬の背からの眺め 3 >
下の写真: 薄い紫色に霞む山並みが幾重にも重なっている。
< 6. 山を下る途中で >
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Bring peace to the Middle East! 35: chain of retaliation 5 : Israel and Palestinian 2
< 1. A caricature of the intifada (revolt) >
Today, I confirm the present conditions of Palestine and Israel.

< 2. The book I extracted this passages from >
The book
“ voices of local people living in Palestine and Israel”
A Middle Eastern specialized journalist interviewed people of every hierarchy of both areas between 1993 and 2003.
I took up interviews of two families in Gaza Strip, and extracted and summarized it.
Gaza Strip
At the time of the interview, Israel promoted people's settling in Gaza, but withdrew from Gaza in 2005.
Gaza became a base of Palestinian radicals, and Israeli military forces was stationed in Gaza in those days.
Presently, the Israel surrounds Gaza with separation barrier, bombs Gaza in retaliation for terrorism, and thoroughly performs to blockade at two checkpoints.
Gaza is one of two autonomous areas of the Palestinians, the land space is small in 6% of the whole, but it occupies 38% of population of the whole.

< 3. Gaza Strip in 2003 >
Blue arias are the Israeli settlements of those days.
Rafah is on a border with Egypt, at lower left-side in Gaza.
Israeli settler
This is a interview in 2002.
This husband of a Israeli family settled in here by the government assistance several years ago.
“This situation has changed really since the autumn of 2000 when the intifada began in.
Rocket bombs come flying at here almost every night.”
“In 1948 when Israel was born, an Arab picked war with us.
Then our Israel did not have a option other than fighting.
And we won the war.
This Israel is land that a Jew was promised for by God, as it is written in the Bible.
The United Nations admitted that this land was our land. “
“I wish that we can coexist sometime.
However, I do not think that we can give a Palestinian an independent nation, their land, and armed forces.
Because they cannot trust them. "
The family didn’t receive a damage by terrorism directly, but he explains the position of Israel well.
The points that he points out.
A: Arab began the war, and Israel won it.
B: the Israeli settling has been written in the Bible, the United Nations recognizes it.
C: the intifada that was begun by Palestinian worsened the situation.
Most of them wish Palestinian leave this land.

< 4. Gaza Strip >
This is a interview in 2003.
This husband of a Palestinian family who earned money by working away from home, and built a house in Rafah in seven years.
“In September, 2001, we had slept in the house.
We heard an explosion suddenly and woke up.
Israeli military forces soon came over near, and began to blow up neighboring houses.
We evacuated to the neighborhood hastily.
I went to see our house the next morning, it had been approximately completely destroyed.”
“Till the intifada, I had worked in Israel.
Our former livelihood level was around 70% of average livelihood, but the present livelihood is zero.
In here, we were in constant fear of bulldozer, tank, gundown, and massacre.”
“We always heard, “a colloquy,and a colloquy”,and already felt disgust for it.
Since when the Intifada began, our circumstances continue to worsen everyday during two and a half years.
When two or three Palestinians were murdered, the news was spread to all over the world.
However, 15 or 20 people are murdered every day now.”
Anyone of his family members didn’t die, but he explains the situation of Gaza well.
A fear of death, hopeless life, and indifference rule them.
The reason why Israel destroys all houses of Rafah is to cut off supporting terrorism from the Egypt.
One reality

< 5. Death toll of both areas by the battle, by visualizingpalestine >
Dead persons of Palestinian are much more than Israel, and the killing continues after the Gaza withdrawal in 2005.
This continues the next time.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
南信州を訪ねて 6: 昼神温泉と周辺
< 1. 昼神温泉 >
< 2. 昼神温泉周辺の地図 >
< 3. 昼神温泉と宿泊したホテル >
上の写真: 橋の上から阿智川上流を望む。
中央の写真: 宿泊した「湯本ホテル阿智川」。
下の写真: このホテルの露天風呂と洞窟風呂。
< 4. 昼神温泉の朝市 >
< 5. 阿智神社の奥宮に向かう >
上の写真: 阿智川の上流に向かう。
下の写真: こんもりとした小さな丘の麓に奥宮の鳥居がありました。
< 6. 社殿 >
< 7. 磐座 >
< 8. 阿智神社の奥宮の位置 >
< 9. 一方の支流 >
< 10. 合流地点の川 >
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Bring peace to the Middle East! 34: chain of retaliation 4 : Israel and Palestinian 1
I look back on the endless wars of between Israel and Palestinian from now on.
When I see the Middle East conflict, I am surprised there are the composition of many conflicts and these are very complex.
For example, focusing on only large things, there are sectarian struggles, interstate confrontations, and ethnic conflicts.
And then, there are many more conflicts among extremists, between government and anti-government, between the United States and Russia (the Soviet Union), and the West and the Middle East.

Looking at only sectarian struggles, there are main conflicts among Islam, Jewish religion, and Maronite Church of Christianity (Lebanon).
And then, there are in Islam the conflicts among Sunni, Shiah (Iran, Syria), Alawites (the hierarchy of Syria), Wahhabi (Saudi Arabia).
Furthermore, in the USA, evangelical Christian (Republican Party support) and Judaist (Democratic Party support) support Israel and it makes the struggle deep.
Judaist, Christian and Muslim that have worshiped a same God continue being opposed to each other more than 1,000 years.
Looking at only interstate confrontations in the Arab of the Middle East, various conflicts have taken place among autocratic state (military affairs, kingship), Islamic state (Iran, Saudi Arabia), secular nation (socialism, Arab nationalism), non-Arab country (Turkey, Iran), and oil country.
This interstate confrontation stems from racial or borderline problems that resulted from having been a colony, an opposition that resulted from the Cold War, and securing the oil.
For example, nation of absolute monarchy (Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf countries) which is a rich oil-producing country tries to smash the democratization of the surrounding nations for maintaining own autocracy system, and it is intensified by the financial power, armaments, and a supporting of European and American.

All these opposition didn't begin as one.
For example, I look at an engagement of the United States.
The United States spent total cost 300 trillion yen on the Iraqi War (2003 - 2011), and Iraq fell into a state of confusion.
Before it, the United States defeated the Iraq in the Gulf War (1991), but had given military assistance to the Iraq to defeat Iran during the Iran-Iraq war (1980 - 1988).
Besides, the United States began assistance to Israel in the middle of the Middle East war (1948 - 1973) between Palestine and Israel.
However, the United States hardly interfered in the Middle East until the early 20th century.
The reason the United States began to interfere to the Middle East was for warning against the Soviet Union, and securing of oil, and then supported Israel afterwards.
To support Israel is due to election circumstances in the United States, and Israel becomes a bridgehead in the Middle East.
In the composition of such opposition that connected with each other complicatedly, it is not easy to find fundamentally cause of these conflicts and the solution.
However, there is one clear thing.
It is said that the incidents that set off a train of these wars happened from the mid-20th century, and the tinderbox spread sequentially afterwards.
It is important to know the background and groundwork that cause conflict easily in the Middle East, but it is also important to know the extended process of the conflict.

We try to see a process of the Middle East war between Israel and Palestine which became the greatest cause in a beginning of the Middle East conflict from now on.
We look back at the history of the Middle East war in reverse, and we want to find "which began the war?"
Later, we will know what this means.
This continues the next tome.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
南信州を訪ねて 5: 満天の星空
< 1. 暗くなるのを待つ >
< 2. 駐車場 >
< 3.ゴンドラから >
< 4.ロープウェイの上駅 >
< 5.ショーが始まる前 >
< 6. バアーン! 満天の星 >
感動! 感動!
< 7.北斗七星 >
< 8.最も良い写真 >
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Bring peace to the Middle East! 33: chain of retaliation 3 : in Syria and Lebanon
This time, I keep track of the chains of retaliations that happened in Syria and Lebanon.

< 2. Countries during the conflict, by Uppsala Conflict Data Program >
The green areas show countries during the conflict.
The line graph is a change of the number of conflicts. ( annotation 1)

< 3. The death toll from conflicts, By Uppsala Conflict Data Program >
The size of circles is proportionate to total death tolls since 1989.
The line graph is a change of annual death tolls of conflicts.
Conflicts are now taking place in the world everywhere.
Therefore, one third of the world’s population lives in the disputed area, annual number of war deaths is 50,000-100,000, and forcibly displaced people worldwide amounts to 60 million people.
It is difficult to find only complete assailant in many cases of conflict.
In conflicts, a small collision escalates into military struggles while a quarrel continues.
In Syria
Current Syria is in a state of the civil war that "the Arab Spring" triggered in 2011, but hatred and discord had filled already.
President Assad (father of the current President) became irritated with a confrontation posture of "the Moslem Brotherhood" after 1970, performed many containment, and arrested one of the leader in 1976.
In 1979, when he died, the Islamic extremist attacked the Syrian military academy for a retaliation and killed 83 cadets. (Alawites, annotation 1).
In 1980, Syrian military forces raided a village and murdered more than 200 villagers.
In another district, they arrested 8,000 or more, and the commander shouted, "I keep killing 1,000 people per day until the Moslem Brotherhood disappears."
The same year, the Moslem Brotherhood planned an assassination of Assad, but it failed.
The Syrian military forces shot to kill approximately 1,000 people of the Moslem Brotherhood in a cell as retaliation for it.
This time, high government official in favor of
Assad was assassinated .
In 1982, the Syrian military forces killed 10,000-40,000 citizens in a main city of the Moslem Brotherhood. (Hama massacre)
The Moslem Brotherhood exploded a bomb in the capital against this holocaust, sacrificed 200 people, and started on terrorism that attacks citizen.
The Syrian government killed leaders of Muslim, citizen and labor union.
In 1982, the younger brother of President Assad who commanded many erasure boasted that he had been killing approximately 40,000 people.
The main point
While each massacre was repeated, it expanded, but this is a typical pattern of the world disputes.
To prevent a catastrophe, this initial stage of conflict is very important.

In Lebanon
In Lebanon, three groups of Islam and four groups of Christianity had coexisted till that time.
However, when Palestinian and PLO (annotation 1) flowed into Lebanon from Jordan because Israeli military forces had driven them away, a violence case happened by sectarian struggle in 1970.
In 1976, Syrian military forces invaded Lebanon by a request of Lebanese government, and repressed PLO of Sunnites to protect Shiites.
In 1978, the Syrian military forces in Lebanon cannoned and violated an agreement with Israel, which was triggered by the provocation of a school of Christianity (Maronite Church).
Israel was hostile toward it, and Israeli military forces invaded Lebanon, but the collision of these two countries was avoided by the good offices of the United States.
In 1982, a radicals attempted to assassinate an Israeli ambassador to Great Britain. (annotation 2)
Taking this opportunity, Israeli military forces again invaded Lebanon as retaliation for PLO.
This was a plan Israel had warmed up for a long time.
Thus, only for ten weeks, Lebanon was destroyed thoroughly, and 20,000 people of Lebanese and Palestinian were murdered.
The war was stopped by the good offices of the United States, and PLO left from Lebanon.
After that time, a radical young man in favor of Syria assassinated a Lebanese President in favor of Israel with bomb.
And, militiamen of the Maronite Church slaughtered nearly 3000 people of Palestinian refugees camping in Lebanon under the supervision of Israeli military forces. (Sabra and Shatila massacre in 1982)
The main point
Finally, Lebanese Civil War became mired in involving neighboring countries due to the war between Israel and Palestine.
A conflict only begins from a trifling collision accident, but after all it expands a war by mere revenge and breaking.
In the background of many cases of conflict of the Middle East, various sectarian conflicts and interstate confrontations cause serious harm to it.
This continues the next time.
紛争は「国家暴力=state-based violence」「非国家暴力=non-state violence」「一方的な暴力=one-sided violence」に分けられている。
Sunday, September 11, 2016
南信州を訪ねて 4: 満蒙開拓平和記念館
< 1.満蒙開拓平和記念館 >
< 2.阿智村と満州 >
上の地図: 赤丸が阿智村、赤枠がかっての満州、満蒙開拓団の地です。
下の図: 県別の開拓移民数。
< 3.満蒙開拓民の現実 >
上の写真: 記念館の入場券。
中央の写真: 16~19歳の青少年からなる満蒙開拓青少年義勇軍。
下の写真: 記念館内の展示。
< 4. 満蒙開拓平和祈念館 >
< 5. 満蒙開拓のポスター >
< 6. 満蒙開拓民の所在地 >
Saturday, September 10, 2016
Bring peace to the Middle East! 32: chain of retaliation 2 : What is bad?
Here, we get back to a basic theme.
Why is a soldier and terrorist to kill citizens bad ?
There is no longer any doubt about it, but it has an important meaning.

< 2. Srebrenica massacre. Annotation 1. >
Terrorism is a crime!
The World Trade Center bombing in September 11, 2001 gave a serious shock to the whole world.
As a result, the U.S. President immediately declared, "this is war!", and began the war on terrorism with enthusiastic support of the people.
This case well shows that massacring citizens produces bigger hatred.
Well then, in the Yugoslav wars, what kind of a reaction did the world show to the slaughter of Bosnian citizen performed by military? ( annotation 1)
In 2016, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia pronounced a judgment of 40-year imprisonment to the ex-President who commanded the slaughter.
In fact, this person was a hero for Serbian citizens, and the extradition did not advance for 13 years.
By the way, it is fairly recent that all the world other than the countries concerned came to
judge war crimes after the war in this way.
What is important?
War is the largest disaster that the human race brought, but, on the other hand, the human race has brought about various policies that prevent conflict and war in a long time.
One of the policies is the application of the war crimes including “ crimes against peace” “crimes against humanity” after the World War II.
This progress occurred only half a century ago while the history of war for 5,000 years,
More important is the human race continues bringing about preventive measures strenuously.

What is a meaning of judging it by war crimes (law)?
In fact, most of law has been created to prevent conflict.
In prehistoric times, a taboo and custom were created for prevention of conflict, and ritualized fighting grew, a council of elders was created for to avoid expansion of struggles as a reconciliatory role.
Those rules bore fruit in "Code of Hammurabi" or "the Ten Commandments" before long.
At this point in time, these had to depend on authority of God.
In more recent years, human society came to aim at having consistency in the system of law by a concept of "justice".

What is justice?
In fact, this is a difficult problem, but there is one thing it is sure.
It is that the human race can decide "justice" by ourselves now.
I assume, " Justice is a judgmental standard that a society judges whether a human act is right or bad" .
Seeing it from a viewpoint of conflict, I can say, “ a bad act is an act to cause a conflict, and to spread it”.
One of the bad acts to cause a conflict and to spread it is to increase people's hostility and hatred to extreme.
At last we can see what is bad.
“You must not bomb a hospital ship.
You must not abuse a captive.
You must not use cluster bomb or poisonous gas.”
These produce the massacre of noncombatants and citizen, the people feel strong hatred for it, and will accept the retaliation of the further massacre.
By punishing such war crimes, our world becomes preventing the harshness of war and the civil war.
At the end
What is the terrorism that the Middle Eastern extremists perform in the world?
This only drives people around the world to hate for the Middle East, Arab and Islam, and rather the extremist’s hope only more goes away.
Already, the world as well as the Middle East is filled with hostility, and it bring a vicious circle that puts the Middle East in a difficult spot moreover.
Their terrorism is unlike past terrorism in one country as for making enemies of the world, and the result is greatly different.
I wish that the extremists, neighboring people, and particularly Islamic leaders think about a series of the human wisdom .
This continues the next time.
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