From now, we consider miserable incidents happening in the Middle East and terrorism happening frequently in the world.
We will understand what is necessary to keep on our peace by knowing about the backdrops of these miserable incidents.

< 2. Invasion of the Israeli military >
At the beginning
Many suicide attacks are repeated in the Middle East, and terrorism killing many citizens occurs frequently in Europe and America.
We feel resentment at the suicide bomb attacks that kill many citizens and it is above the comprehension to person living peacefully.
Recently, it becomes provocative and increases.
For half a century, in the Middle East, governments in many countries did military incursions and slaughtered many people, against them radical extremists massacred private citizen, and assassinations of main persons occurred also.
There isn’t a sign of their stopping.
There are two measures for this situation.
One of these is to make the arrest or a clean sweep of the radical extremists.
It is necessary to perform this by the armaments and police force, but it falls into the vicious circle, and it shows no sign of the settlement.
There is examples that succeeded by drastic treatment if looking back on history, but in this time the background of the terrorism becomes gigantic and spreads over the world.
Then other one of these is to remove the background generating the terrorism.
It is necessary to cut off the present vicious circle, but very difficult.
In first step, while performing the former measures, we understand the background of the terrorism, and people of the world need to acknowledge what we have to do to cut off the vicious circle.

< 3. radical extremists >
Questions about terrorists
“Why do they do suicide bombing attacks and assassination?"
"Are Muslims brutal?"
"Do they believe to go to heaven by terrorism (jihad)?"
In this serialization, I investigate the darkness of minds of people performing terrors and suicide bombing attack and the historic background where terrorism is repeated on.
As a result, you become to know the truth of the mentioned question, and will be to notice prejudice and preconception.

< 4. My Lai Massacre >
What I would want you to doubt firstly
What does atrocity mean?
Is it a shooting rampage in America that happened recently and a terrorism by reckless driving truck in France ?
Is it one atom bomb dropped in Hiroshima or indiscriminate bombings in Chongqing or Dresden?
By their attacks, many citizens became victimized, but their attacks are different about under a non-wartime or wartime.
Dead people in the Vietnam War reached approximately 8 million people, but a incident when the United States had to withdraw from Vietnam was the slaughter of Son My village generated 504 dead people.
The degree that we cry with anger doesn’t depend on a number of dead people or massacre weapon, instead, depends on situation that we can feel it closely.
For example, it depends on whether the victim is accessible person or you can know the cruel situation by pictures.
In addition, the problem of “under wartime” is delicate, for example, the understanding about the Pearl Harbor attack is the opposite between Japan and the United States, and it is an indignation thing for the the United States.
We often justify own barbarity and try to escape from a sense of guilt.
It is difficult to judge slaughter fairly, and we often capture it superficially and emotionally
Nothing can be done about this, but it becomes to disturb the understanding and arbitration of dispute.

< 5. one atom bomb dropped in Hiroshima >
This continues the next time.
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