Thursday, July 28, 2016

Visiting from Tajima shore to Tango Peninsula 10:  Visiting Tango Peninsula 2

< 1.  Lighthouse of Kyougasaki cape >

I introduce scenes from Tango-matushima to Kyouga-cape.

< 2.  map of places we visited >

Upper photo:  this shows the range that we visited this time.
The map’s top is the north.
We started from the left side ( west side).

Lower photo: this shows the range I introduce with my photos.
The map’s top is the south.

No.1= Inugasaki park.  No.2= a cape.  No.3=Kyougasaki cape.

< 3.  Views of Tango-matushima from Inugasaki park >

 A cape thrusting into distant sea is Kyougasaki cape that is the northern end of Kyoto prefecture.
As we rotate around that cape, we go along Wakasa Bay.
It is the video of 19 seconds that I shot here.

< 4.  the cape 1 >

When we are driving a car, I found a favorite cape.
This cape was shown No.2 of the map.

<  5.  the cape 2 >

I was surprised that people have made many fields on top of the narrow cape, and moreover have built their graveyard on the tip.
It was just time of the rice planting.
Their village stretches long and thinly on the mountain-side slope across the road.

< 6.  the cape 2  >

It is a view of the west side from the cape.
Inugasaki cape is seen distantly.
A small fishing port is seen on the way.

< 7.  Views from the observation deck on the Kyougasaki cape >

I overlook the west side from the observation deck.
Upper photo:  Tango-matushima.
Lower photo:  an expansion of the upper photo.
A yellow arrow shows the cape having the graveyard.
The sea side of the graveyard is covered in the trees of windbreak.

< 8.  at the front of Kyougasaki cape  >

Upper photo: a hill of Kyougasaki cape is seen.
We climbed from the parking area to the observation deck being in the top.

Lower photo: I look at the opposite direction (the west side).
A bathing beach and fishing village are seen.

Untouched nature remains on the shoreline that we drove a car along, and this is a wonderful place for sea creature (Takeno Beach etc.).

<  9.  Kyougasaki cape >

A parking area is seen at the lower right.
The back of this sea is Wakasa Bay.

This continues the next time.

Monday, July 25, 2016

地中海クルーズとカナリヤ諸島クルーズ 24: マデイラ島 2


< 1. ラヴラドーレス市場の花屋 >



< 2. カテドラル >


< 3.カテドラルとザルコの像 >
下の写真: アリアガ通りに立つザルコの像。



< 4. サン・ローレンソ要塞とラヴラドーレス市場 >
上の写真: サン・ローレンソ要塞。

下の写真: ラヴラドーレス市場の外観。


< 5. ラヴラドーレス市場 >


< 6. 三つの通り >



< 7. アリアガ通り1 >
上の写真: ポルトガルらしいアズレージョ(装飾タイル)。
下の写真: サン・フランシスコ庭園からアリアガ通りを見る。


< 8. アリアガ通り2 >
下の写真: 天測儀の噴水。


< 9. サンタ・カタリーナ公園 >



< 10. 公園から港を見下ろす >



Saturday, July 23, 2016

Bring peace to the Middle East! 22: about terrorism 2 : an assassination

< 1. Assassination of President Sadat >

From today, I use some examples as a reference and will look at the situation that massacre has been spread over in the Middle East.
This massacre includes battle, and terrorism (assassination, suicide attack) by the government side or the anti-government side.
we see the assassination of an important person by an extremist first.

< 2.  Sadat and Mubarak (the later President) at this incident >

The assassination incident
In 1981, the Sadat President of Egypt was assassinated at the commemorative ceremony of the Fourth Middle East War (1973) that he began.
By this war, the Middle Eastern War (since 1948) between the Arabic countries and Israel that had been repeated for four times became the end.
However, Egypt first approved Israel among the Arabic countries by the conclusion of peace accords (1979), and cut off the Palestinian problem.
This seemed like a big betrayal from people and the Arabic countries.

< 3. the Fourth Middle East War  >

I introduce a sentence of a thinker of an Islamic fanaticism that this assassination group had believed in.

"It is important that we fight against a near enemy than a far-off enemy.
We must flow the blood of Muslim until the achievement of the victory by the jihad.
It isn’t useful that we started the battle against the imperialism

It is our duty to concentrate on great cause of Islam, and establish divine law in our country, ...

The battlefield of jihad exterminates the leaders of the unbeliever and is to replace it with complete discipline of Islam. "
( from "What Went Wrong" )

They think that the leaders who held hands with Europe and America made own country and Arab countries confusing and slumping.

< 4.   Nasser made a coup d'etat succeed >

Why did they go to extremes?
I cannot lump innumerable extremists, but as for the birth, there is peculiar circumstances of Middle Eastern and Arab.
It is Middle East war (between Israel and Palestine), the military intervention by Europe and America (supporting Israel and the Iraqi War etc.), and the despotic governance of Arab countries.
Here, I easily look back on the Egyptian sufferance history.

Egypt had experienced the long history of colonial ruled by different ethnic groups.
After Islamic Empire that achieved great unification, Egypt was ruled by Turkish dynasty since the thirteenth century, then by Osman empire, and was invaded by Napoleon in the 18th century.
Subsequently, it was governed by the Albanian dynasty (Muhammad Ali), next became a colony of Britain in the late 19th century, and became an token independence kingdom in the early 20th century.

An epoch of revolution began before long.
In 1952, an officer corps expelled an king by a military coup and worked on the modernization.
In 1956, President Nasser declared the nationalization of the Suez Canal, and after the second Middle East war against the Israel, Britain and France forces, he obtained this.
He received help of the Soviet Union for Aswan High Dam construction, and pushed forward construction of an Arabic socialist state.
However, in 1967, Nasser was defeated completely by the third Middle East war against Israel and reduced his prestige.

Military regimes like this in Egypt continued in common with other Arabic countries.

This continues the next time.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

地中海クルーズとカナリヤ諸島クルーズ 23: マデイラ島 1

< 1.ボタニカルガーデン >



< 2. 朝、寄港 >
上の写真: 遠くに島影が見え始めた。
中央の写真: マデイラ島の東側。
下の写真: フンシャルの港から西側を望む。




< 3.地図、すべて上側が北側 >
上の写真: マデイラ島。

下の写真: フンシャルの拡大。

< 4. 街並み >
上の写真: 観光するフンシャルの中心部。
中央の写真: 海岸沿いの道路。
下の写真: 上記道路から山側を望む。

< 5. ボタニカルガーデンに向かう >



< 6. ボタニカルガーデン1 >



< 7. ボタニカルガーデン2 >


< 8. ボタニカルガーデン3 >



< 9. ボタニカルガーデン4 >


< 10. ボタニカルガーデン5 >



Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Visiting from Tajima shore to Tango Peninsula 9:  Visiting Tango Peninsula 1

< 1.  The island of Taiza fishing village >

From today, I introduce Tango Peninsula in North Kyoto.

< 2. maps of Tango Peninsula and Amino >

Upper map:  the red line is our route of Tango Peninsula.
The top of the map shows the north.
Today, I introduce No. 1 Amino, No. 2 Taiza, and No. 3 Tateiwa rock.

Lower map: this is a satellite photo that is a expansion of Amino (NO.1) in the upper map.
The top of the map shows the south.
No. 1 is the ancient burial mound of Choshi mountain I introduce today.
NO.2 is a peninsula with an ancient burial mound in the lake, NO.3 is the beach, and No. 4 is Amino fishing port that I introduced previous time.

< 3.  the ancient burial mound of Choshi mountain >

Upper map:  this ancient burial mound was built on the edge of the small hill at the end of fourth century.
The top of the map shows the north.
We walked along the brown line.

Lower map:  a detailed map of the ancient burial mound.
The large keyhole-shaped tomb mound in the center is 200 meters in the total length, 20 meters in height, and has two small ancient burial mounds at the both sides.
This ancient burial mound is the largest in the Sea of Japan side, and “ three ancient burial mounds by the Sea of the Japan” including it are all in this Tango Peninsula.

It suggests this area were connected to Yamato sovereignty in Nara, and this king had extensive authority.
In addition, we saw this area were connected with the continent at previous time.

< 4.  walking on the top of the ancient burial mound  >

Upper photo:  walking the northeast side of the burial mound.
You can see the steps at the end of the road.

Lower photo: a view of top like circle mound from under the steps.

< 5. Views from the burial mound  >

Upper photo:  a view of seaside from the circle mound.
When it was built, under this mountain was a lagoon.

Lower photo: a view of the mountain side (southeast side) from the road.

< 6.  seashore on the way to Taiza >

Upper photo:  a small hill thrusting into the sea is around Taiza.
Lower photo:  looking back at our road from Taiza.

< 7.  Taiza fishing village >

Upper photo: a small island connecting the village with a bridge.
Central photo: a shrine in the island.
Lower photo: the fishing port.

This port is famous for snow crab, and this area has many legends concerning Prince Shotoku ( the 6th -7th century).
In addition, there was once a custom of facing a dead person toward continent and burying it.
This also indicates the connection with an Imperial Court of Nara in ancient times and with the continent.

<  8. inlet of the port >

we see colorful seaweeds in pellucid seawater.

< 9.  going a circuit of the island >

< 10.  Tateiwa rock >

I was often surprised when I went round this peninsula without preparing.
This secluded area facing the Sea of Japan had ever the connection with continent and ancient Nara.
I find an ancient romance in original scenery of Japan.

This continues the next time.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Bring peace to the Middle East! 21: about terrorism 1 : at the beginning

< 1. November 2015 Paris attacks >

From now, we consider miserable incidents happening in the Middle East and terrorism happening frequently in the world.

We will understand what is necessary to keep on our peace by knowing about the backdrops of these miserable incidents.


< 2. Invasion of the Israeli military >

At the beginning

Many suicide attacks are repeated in the Middle East, and terrorism killing many citizens occurs frequently in Europe and America.

We feel resentment at the suicide bomb attacks that kill many citizens and it is above the comprehension to person living peacefully.

Recently, it becomes provocative and increases.

For half a century, in the Middle East, governments in many countries did military incursions and slaughtered many people, against them radical extremists massacred private citizen, and assassinations of main persons occurred also.

There isn’t a sign of their stopping.

There are two measures for this situation.

One of these is to make the arrest or a clean sweep of the radical extremists.

It is necessary to perform this by the armaments and police force, but it falls into the vicious circle, and it shows no sign of the settlement.

There is examples that succeeded by drastic treatment if looking back on history, but in this time the background of the terrorism becomes gigantic and spreads over the world.

Then other one of these is to remove the background generating the terrorism.

It is necessary to cut off the present vicious circle, but very difficult.

In first step, while performing the former measures, we understand the background of the terrorism, and people of the world need to acknowledge what we have to do to cut off the vicious circle.


< 3. radical extremists >

Questions about terrorists

“Why do they do suicide bombing attacks and assassination?"

"Are Muslims brutal?"

"Do they believe to go to heaven by terrorism (jihad)?"

In this serialization, I investigate the darkness of minds of people performing terrors and suicide bombing attack and the historic background where terrorism is repeated on.

As a result, you become to know the truth of the mentioned question, and will be to notice prejudice and preconception.

< 4. My Lai Massacre >

What I would want you to doubt firstly
What does atrocity mean?

Is it a shooting rampage in America that happened recently and a terrorism by reckless driving truck in France ?

Is it one atom bomb dropped in Hiroshima or indiscriminate bombings in Chongqing or Dresden?

By their attacks, many citizens became victimized, but their attacks are different about under a non-wartime or wartime.

Dead people in the Vietnam War reached approximately 8 million people, but a incident when the United States had to withdraw from Vietnam was the slaughter of Son My village generated 504 dead people.

The degree that we cry with anger doesn’t depend on a number of dead people or massacre weapon, instead, depends on situation that we can feel it closely.

For example, it depends on whether the victim is accessible person or you can know the cruel situation by pictures.

In addition, the problem of “under wartime” is delicate, for example, the understanding about the Pearl Harbor attack is the opposite between Japan and the United States, and it is an indignation thing for the the United States.

We often justify own barbarity and try to escape from a sense of guilt.

It is difficult to judge slaughter fairly, and we often capture it superficially and emotionally

Nothing can be done about this, but it becomes to disturb the understanding and arbitration of dispute.

< 5. one atom bomb dropped in Hiroshima >

This continues the next time.