I introduce scenes from Tango-matushima to Kyouga-cape.

< 2. map of places we visited >
Upper photo: this shows the range that we visited this time.
The map’s top is the north.
We started from the left side ( west side).
Lower photo: this shows the range I introduce with my photos.
The map’s top is the south.
No.1= Inugasaki park. No.2= a cape. No.3=Kyougasaki cape.

< 3. Views of Tango-matushima from Inugasaki park >
A cape thrusting into distant sea is Kyougasaki cape that is the northern end of Kyoto prefecture.
As we rotate around that cape, we go along Wakasa Bay.
It is the video of 19 seconds that I shot here.

< 4. the cape 1 >
When we are driving a car, I found a favorite cape.
This cape was shown No.2 of the map.

< 5. the cape 2 >
I was surprised that people have made many fields on top of the narrow cape, and moreover have built their graveyard on the tip.
It was just time of the rice planting.
Their village stretches long and thinly on the mountain-side slope across the road.

< 6. the cape 2 >
It is a view of the west side from the cape.
Inugasaki cape is seen distantly.
A small fishing port is seen on the way.

< 7. Views from the observation deck on the Kyougasaki cape >
I overlook the west side from the observation deck.
Upper photo: Tango-matushima.
Lower photo: an expansion of the upper photo.
A yellow arrow shows the cape having the graveyard.
The sea side of the graveyard is covered in the trees of windbreak.

< 8. at the front of Kyougasaki cape >
Upper photo: a hill of Kyougasaki cape is seen.
We climbed from the parking area to the observation deck being in the top.
Lower photo: I look at the opposite direction (the west side).
A bathing beach and fishing village are seen.
Untouched nature remains on the shoreline that we drove a car along, and this is a wonderful place for sea creature (Takeno Beach etc.).

< 9. Kyougasaki cape >
A parking area is seen at the lower right.
The back of this sea is Wakasa Bay.
This continues the next time.