Saturday, June 11, 2016

Bring peace to the Middle East! 18: Seeing the Middle East and Arab world in films 11: Israeli-Palestinian conflict 1

< 1. Jerusalem >

I introduce the main point of Israeli-Palestinian conflict some times from today.  
This is a religious war and ethnic cleansing that have continued for more than half a century.
And, the hatred and the fight penetrated into the Middle East, and their peace fades away more and more.

< 2.  Israeli-Palestinian conflict >
Upper photo:  a suicide bombing in Israel.
Lower photo:  Israeli attacked on the Gaza Strip.

The beginning of this conflict
The conflict began between Jew who came over and Palestinian who was living in there from before.
In the early 20th century, a Judaist, Muslim and Christian had coexisted in the area of present Israel.
However, Jew of Europe started movement for rebuilding their nation on Palestine from the end of the 19th century. (Zionism)

After the First World War, the U.K. that had governed Palestine supported the movement first, and the League of Nations accepted the establishment of their nation, too. (Balfour Declaration in 1919, and British Mandate of Palestine during 1920-1948)
While the Holocaust attracted sympathy after the Second World War, the U.K. continued to limit immigration to Palestine to control the collision incidents that happened frequently by a Jewish rapid increase.
However, this intensified anti-British struggle by Jewish radicals, the U.K. gave up the mandatory administration by a large-scale blast incident, and entrusted the United Nations with the issue. (King David hotel bombing in 1946)
Then, the United Nations acknowledged that an Arab and a Jew divide this ground and are independent. (United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine in 1947)
The Jew received this and performed the establishment of Israel in 1948, but the Arab refused it.

During this time, the conflict became more intense, the Middle East war between Israel and the Arabic countries broke out at last in 1948, and occurred four times in total by 1973.
After that, the terrorism by Palestinian side, and the military offensive and rule expansion by Israel continue. (Lebanese Civil War, Gaza War, construction of separation barrier, and territory expansion)
Many Palestinians became refugees in the shadow of the conflict, and a Jew in the Middle Eastern was persecuted adversely.

The films that I already introduced, “ Lawrence of Arabia” “Schindler’s List” “ the other son” vividly talks about these process.

What are Jew and Palestinian at odds with each other?
What is Jew?

Most people of Israel are Jew who came from all over Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and the world.
Now, by the law of Israel, Jew is defined by being born from Jewish mother or becoming a believer in Judaism.
There is a freedom of religion in Israel, so 5,200,000 Judaists, 1,100,000 Muslim, and 140,000 Christian coexist.

< 3.  well-known Jewish American >

From the top, scientist Einstein, diplomat Kissinger, economist Bernanke, investors George Soros, and actress Natalie Portman.

They emigrated to the United States or are descendant of the emigrant, and the most of them came from Europe.
Jew is a group attaching great importance to Judaism beyond language, and race.
And they have influence in the world as well as the United States and have a strong sense of unity.

Who is Palestinian?
Until the beginning of the 20th century, they are Arab that has always lived in Palestine.
The origin is old, and is considered from that Jews were converted to Islam and became an Arab.
In other words, Jew should be nearer racially than the Israeli that came later.

< 4.  well-known Middle Eastern Arabic person >
< 4.著名な中東アラブ系の人 >

From the top, current President of Syria Al-Assad, Nissan's CEO Carlos Ghosn, late President of Egypt Nasser, scholar Edward Saeed, and actor Omar Sharif.

What was the cause of the fight of both?
Jew had survived the history of the persecution for 2000 years, and therefore they strongly united together, and demanded a ground of living in peace.
During the Great War, Europe ruled Palestine and permitted the Jewish settlement as an atonement of the persecution.
However, people to immigrate en masse were only strangers to people that have lived from old times in there and been suddenly ruled.
Thus, the collision incidents advanced to war at last.

This continued next time.

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