クロアチア・スロベニアを巡って 31: 首都ザグレブ 2
I introduce the old city of Zagreb today.
< 2. Zagreb Cathedral >
< 2.聖マリア被昇天大聖堂 >
Upper photo: A view of the north side from the front of the Cathedral.
Central photo: The front of Zagreb Cathedral.
Lower photo: Mary column in front of the Cathedral.
上の写真: 大聖堂の前のカプトル広場から北側の眺め。
中央の写真: 大聖堂。
下の写真: カプトル広場に立つ聖母マリアの柱。
< 3. the origin of tie >
< 3.ネクタイの由来 >
The guide explained the origin of the tie started in Croatia.
The origin is that mother gave her scarf to son who was going to the battlefield and the son bound around his neck.
The some tour participants were moved to tears by the explanation.
< 4. streets >
< 4.通り >
Lower photo: The big egg was painted with naive art of Croatian painting.
Central photo: Radiceva street.
"Krvavi Most" that is called the bridge of blood crosses on this street, and some bloody pastes are hidden in these two streets.
One of these is an assassination of federalists by centralist of Serbia that happened about 100 years ago here, and it would lead to the civil war in Yugoslavia.
Another one is that two towns on the East-West hills that bordered on the bridge of the blood had conflicted always.
Zagreb came into being by these two towns that merged.
下の写真: クロアチアの素朴な画法ナイーブアートで描かれた大きな卵。
中央の写真: ラディッチ通り。
< 5. Saint George statue and Kamenita Varata >
< 5. 聖ユラユの像と石の門 >
Upper photo: Saint George statue stands on a dragon that he exterminated.
Lower photo: A chapel of the Virgin Mary is in the gate.
It enshrines an icon of the Virgin Mary that remained unscathed in an inferno of the 18th century.
Several people were worshiping on the left side of the photo.
上の写真: 退治した龍の上に立つ聖ユラユの像。
下の写真: 門の中に聖母マリアの礼拝堂があります。
< 6. St. Mark’s church >
< 6.聖マルコ教会 >
Upper photo: St. Mark’s church of the thirteenth century.
A combination emblem of the three countries of the Middle Ages and an emblem of Zagreb are drawn on the roof with a tile.
This tile was made in Hungary, and it means that Zagreb was affected by both of Austria and Hungary.
The Prime Minister's office is seen to the left, and the Diet Building is seen to the right.
Central photo: The Diet Building.
Lower photo: The Prime Minister's office.
上の写真: 13世紀の聖マルコ教会。
中央の写真: 国会議事堂。
下の写真: 首相官邸。
< 7. Saint Catherine Church and Lotrščak Tower >
< 7.聖カテリーナ教会と要塞 >
Upper photo: Saint Catherine Church.
Lower photo: A fortified tower of the thirteenth century.
上の写真: 聖カテリーナ教会。
下の写真: 13世紀の要塞。
< 8. Cable car >
< 8.ケーブルカー >
Upper photo: The cable car that links the hill of 30m in height is the shortest distance in the world.
Lower photo: The promenade that goes down from the upper station of the cable car to under the hill.
上の写真: 高さ30mの丘を結ぶ世界一短いケーブルカー。
下の写真: ケーブルカー駅から続く丘を下りる散歩道。
< 9. Ban Jelačić Square >
< 9. イェラチッチ広場 >
Upper photo: The open space where a statue of Ban Jelačić that is revered as a Croatian national hero stands.
Lower photo: The flower-shopping street leads to Dolac Market in the back.
上の写真: 国民的英雄のイェラチッチ総督の像が立つ広場。
下の写真: 奥の青果市場に通じる花屋の通り。
< 10. Dolac Market >
< 10.青果市場 >
When my wife looks at a fruit and vegetable market, she becomes cheerful suddenly.
< 11. Some aspect >
< 11. 見かけたもの >
Upper photo: An event in Ban Jelačić Square.
The video footage for 16 seconds
Central photo: I saw the folk costume in Ban Jelačić Square.
Lower photo: The person who was walking with Dalmatian a street.
On the next time, I introduce Doha that is the capital city of the state of Qatar, and finish this travel reports.
上の写真: イェラチッチ広場での催し物。
16秒のビデオ映像 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mt6XWoX_T7w
中央の写真: イェラチッチ広場で見かけた民族衣装。
下の写真: 通りで見かけたダルマチア犬を連れた人。
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