Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Cruise of the Mediterranean Sea and Canary Islands 1: First

地中海とカナリヤ諸島クルーズ 1: はじめに

< 1.  We got on this cruise ship. >
< 1.乗船するクルーズ船 >

We went to cruise for the first time.
I introduce the anchorages site and the experience of Cruise.
It is the summary of this trip today.

The summary of the trip
The itinerary is 1-15, March 2016.
We attended a tour by Japanese travel agency, and boarded Cruise ship MSC Fantasia.
This cruise left Genoa and went around 7 ports, 5 countries, for 12 days.



< 2.   Course of the cruise >
< 2. クルーズのコース >

< 3.  Milan >
< 3. ミラノ >
Upper photo:  Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II is a huge arcade.
Lower photo:  Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie.

上の写真: 巨大なアーケードのガッレリア。
下の写真: サンタ・マリア・デッレ・グラツィエ教会。

< 4.  Genoa >
< 4. ジェノバ >
Upper photo:  Scenery out of our bus window between Genoa and Milan.
Lower photo:  Piazza de Ferrari.

上の写真: ミラノからジェノバ間の車窓からの景色。
下の写真: フェッラーリ広場。


< 5.  Barcelona >
< 5. バルセロナ >
Upper photo:  Mercat de Sant Josep.
Central photo:  The housetop of Palau Güell.
Lower photo:  Departure from the port. Sagrada Família church is seen to the right.

上の写真: サン・ジェセップ市場。
中央の写真: グエル邸の屋上。
下の写真: 出港。右手にサグラダ・ファミリア教会が見える。


< 6.  Casablanca 1 >
< 6. カサブランカ1 >
Upper photo:  We entered the port of Casablanca in the early morning.
Central photo:  Hassan II Mosque.
Lower photo:  The local guide whose smile is impressive.

上の写真: カサブランカに早朝、入港。
中央の写真: ハッサン2世モスク。
下の写真: 笑顔が印象的な現地ガイド。

< 7.  Casablanca 2 >
< 7. カサブランカ2 >
Upper photo:  Today is Sunday, so many citizens were resting at sea shore.
Central photo: Since the afternoon, many citizens gathered together in Place des Nations Unies.
Lower photo:  The mosque that just began to shine in sunset.

上の写真: 日曜日、海岸で憩う市民。 
中央の写真: 午後、国連広場に集う市民。
下の写真: 夕陽に映えるモスク。

< 8.  Sea view >
< 8. 洋上の景観 >
The scenery has distinctive characteristic of view from ship on the ocean.


< 9.  Pleasure of Cruise 1 >
< 9. クルーズの愉しみ1 >
Way to spend the Cruise ship and pleasure are various.
Splendid meal, various amusements, and various events wait for us.


< 10.  Pleasure of Cruise 2 >
< 10. クルーズの愉しみ2 >
We tried various things because this cruise had all-day voyage 4 times.
4,400 passengers and 1,600 crews from all over the world were boarding on the same ship, and there were various encounters there.


< 11.  Tenerife >
< 11. テネリフェ島 >
Upper photo:  Tenerife before the daybreak.
Central photo:  Snowcapped Mount Teide.
Lower photo:  City walk.

上の写真: 夜明け前のテネリフェ島。
中央の写真: 白銀のテイデ山。
下の写真: 市内散策。

< 12.  Madeira >
< 12. マデイラ島 >
Upper photo:  A view from botanical gardens.
Central photo:  Mercado dos Lavradores.
Lower photo:  City walk.

上の写真: 植物園からの眺め。
中央の写真: ラヴラドーレス市場。
下の写真: 市内散策。

< 13. Málaga >
< 13. マラガ >
Upper photo:  Main street.
Lower photo:  Picasso statue.

上の写真: 大通り。
下の写真: ピカソ像。

< 14.  Roma >
< 14. ローマ >
Upper photo:  Trevi Fountain.
Lower photo:  St. Peter's Basilica.

上の写真: トレビの泉。
下の写真: サンピエトロ寺院。

Trips always give great stimulation and excitement to me.
Boarding on cruise ship for the first time, I could do not only the sightseeing but also the experience of new world.
I am introducing this trip along with using a large number of photos from various viewpoints.

This continues next time.



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