< I saw Mt. Seoraksan from a hotel. >
I tell you about the impression of the trip to South Korea.
I visited South Korea several times during these ten years.
The maximum South Korean charm is in history, traditional culture, and a meal for me.
South Korea is the nearest countries from Japan, and is having relation deep for many years.
However it experienced the big misfortune.
I wish the understanding of both countries deepens mutually, and I introduce South Korean towns, culture, and nature.

< some visit places of me are red spheres >
First, I introduce Mt. Seoraksan where I visited October 23, 2013.
This mountain at 1708 m elevation is on South Korean northeast end, and is the third hight peak of South Korea.
This mountain has been suddenly covered with clouds on that day.
However, this cloud wrapped the sharp rocky mountain and the autumnal leaves in good season, thereby we could see mysterious scenery.
On the ropeway in the national park, we rode up the observation deck till halfway up the mountain in a breath.
< precipices and autumnal leaves closed on my gondola of the ropeway >
< I looked downward from the top station of the ropeway >
< I saw the Japan Sea from the top station >
< I saw several scenery from a walk road from the top station >
< the top is the end of the walk road >
Although a view from this top must be wonderful, I had not any time.
< I saw the mountain range from the hill of the walk road >
Unfortunately faraway mountains wereveiled.
It sprinkled and I was dreadful about falling down
< I looked upward from the park of the down station of ropeway >
There was not rain in the park, and clouds of the edge of the mountains began to end slowly, too.
This superb view was combined with trees of crimson, gold, green color, and strangely shaped rocks precipices, and flowing clouds.
And it changed every moment
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