< The parliament house of each country >
Last time, we looked at situation that people quickly abandoned the Cabinet that had been selected by the election.
It was much different from Japan that the situations of European and American advanced nations and a neighboring nation.
In this time and next time, I will explain the cause comparing with overseas situations.
Conspicuous election situations in Japan (legislative elections)
l Dissipated political parties likely fog: After the war, the political parties that exceed 50 was born and disappeared, and 14 political parties have seats now. These many will also disappear soon in several years.
l The seats of political parties are reversed on each elections: 2009 years and 2012 years in the Lower House election, it was greatly reversed the standings between the ruling and opposition parties.
l Declining turnout of voters: in the Lower House election, the turnout is 92% in 1917, 75% in 1955, and 59% in 2012. This shows decreasing trend.
l Increasing independents of voters: they are increasing from 10% in 1960s to 50% in 2012 years.
These weaken political power and become a serious obstacle for reorganizing the stagnant society and economy of Japan.
Has this problem arises in European and American advanced nations?
What are as the difference between Japan and the West, or its background factor?
日本の目立つ選挙状況 (国会選挙)
1. 降って湧く政党 :戦後、生まれて消えていった政党は50を越え、現在14の政党が議席を持つ。これらの多くもやがて数年で消えるだろう。
2. 選挙毎に大きく逆転する議席 : 衆院選2009年、2012年で大きく与野党が逆転した。
3. 低迷続ける投票率 : 衆院選1917年92%、1955年75%、2012年59%となり低下傾向。
4. 増加する無党派層 : 1960年代10%から2012年50%へと増加傾向。
< UK general election vote share and resultant governments(1950-2010), blue=conservative, red=labour, yellow=liberal, gray=others >
Party support increasingly has dispersed widely during the past 20 years. When they did not unite in 2010, the handling of the government by them became impossible.
In past days, the ruling and opposition parties have changed as the two-party system in each about ten years.
Differing from Japan, the third party is growing throughout several decades.
In 1983 years, the Green Party made an advance into parliament. Since then it became 4 party system. And the left-wing party was added in 2005. Since then it became 5 party system.
Germany adopts a proportional representation and combines first past the post system with it.
From a bitter experience with the presence of small political parties that became a hotbed on which Nazis gain power, if new party did not exceed 5 percent of the votes, cannot acquire the seat for Parliament.
But the presence of small political parties is becoming remarkable also here.
< in Greece, voter support for parties and annual change in GDP >
We look at Greek politics that is confused at a breath, depending on falling into the economic crisis.
The beginning was the change of power in October 2009, and budget deficit that was hidden by the old government was revealed.
It developed into the big issue that involved in EU from the middle of 2010.
13 political parties fought in the election in April 2012.
The radical leftist alliance that was small political parties became the second party that has 52 seats in the parliament.
ND (New Democratic) was a dominant party of 108 seats. The seats of the party are distributed much more to a higher rank of obtained votes.
There were formerly in a two-party system of ND and Pasok (The Panhellenic Socialist Movement).
As a graph shows, the GDP falls rapidly, and the approval rating for two main political parties fall at a breath, and caused the presence of small political parties.
< trust of Greeks, May 2011. blue=trust、red=do not trust, top bar=fellow citizens,7th=governments, 8th=political parties >
The government was not most trusted, and trust in fellow citizens also was small.
Rapid economic deterioration, subvention reduction and pension reduction by the tight budget, and the distrust of the government that caused it exploded at a breath.
This is a dangerous sign, but the election system of Greece that prevents presence of many small parties is useful barely.
Next time, we will analyze the background of this situation occurred in the world.
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