Monday, January 25, 2016

Went around Croatia and Slovenia 23 : Deeply scarred Town Mostar 2

クロアチア・スロベニアを巡って 23: 傷痕の町モスタル 2          

< 1.  Old Bridge made by stones >
< 1.石橋「スタリ・モスト」 >

Today, we go for a walk in the old town of Mostar.
This old town is a town of Muslims.


< 2.  Go to the old town >
< 2. 旧市街に向かう >

Upper photo:  We just go out of the parking lot.
We left it at 11 A.M.

Central and lower Photos:  The street lined with souvenir shops.

上の写真: 駐車場から出るところです。

中央と下の写真: 通りには土産物屋が並ぶ。

< 3.  Go to the Old bridge >
< 3.石橋に向かう >

Upper photo:  When I looked back, there were many traces of bullet on the store’s wall.
Lower photo:  The gate of the Old bridge.
You can see the top surface of the bridge behind the gate.

This bridge was restored in 2004 after its old bridge was destroyed by a civil war in 1993.
This was reproduced in its original condition made in the 16th century.

上の写真: 振り返ると店舗の壁に銃弾の跡がありました。
下の写真: 石橋の門です。


< 4.  Views from the top of the bridge >
< 4. 石橋の上から >

Upper photo:  Downstream side of Neretva river.
Central photo:  Old bazaar we are going to go from now is seen. 

Lower photo:  Upstream side of it.
The minaret of a mosque we are going to climb after this is seen in the center.

上の写真: ネレトヴァ川の下流側。
中央の写真: これから行く旧市街のオールド・バザールが見える。
下の写真: 上流側。

< 5.  The Old bazaar >
< 5.オールド・バザール >

Mostar had prospered in trade, because it was located on a caravan route that linked the Adriatic Sea and the inland.
Mostar led to the Dubrovnik and Kotor that I already introduced.
The Old bazaar was a craftsman town that many copper craftsmen, tanners and tailors lived in.
There was an oriental atmosphere here.


< 6.  Arrived at the mosque  >
< 6. モスクに来ました  >

Upper photo:  We went into the yard of the mosque.
The central hexagonal building is intended for cleaning up hands and feet.
Lower photo:  In front of the mosque.
This Koski Mehmed pasa Mosque made in the 16th century is famous for a beautiful prospect.

上の写真: モスクの庭内に入って来た。

下の写真: いよいよモスクに入ります。

< 7. Inside the mosque >
< 7. モスクの中 >

Upper photo:  there are a hollow of wall “ mihrab”, and a step-like preacher's pew “ mimbar”.
Central photo:  The ceiling.
Lower photo:  The stairs inside the minaret.

上の写真: メッカを示す壁の窪み(ミフラーブ)と階段状の説教壇(ミンバル)が見える。
中央の写真: 天井。
下の写真: ミナレットの階段。

< 8.  A view from the top of the minaret >
< 8. ミナレットから見た石橋 >

It is a view of downstream side.

< 9.  Views from the top of the minaret
< 9.ミナレットからの眺め >

Upper photo:  It is a view of upper streamside and the north side.
A spire on the left is a church near our parking lot.

Lower photo:  I look at the old town of the east side.

This continues next time.

上の写真: 上流側で、北側です。

下の写真: 東側の旧市街を見ています。


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Went around Croatia and Slovenia 22: Deeply scarred Town Mostar

クロアチア・スロベニアを巡って 22: 傷痕の町モスタル 1

< 1.  Župa Svetog Petra i Pavla is a church in Mostar
< 1.モスタルの教会、Župa Svetog Petra i Pavla

Today, we go to the intermountain town in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
I introduce the scenery between coastal town Neum and the Mostar.


< 2.  Root maps >
< 2.地図 >

Upper map:  It shows Bosnia and Herzegovina.
A black point is the Mostar.

Lower map:  It shows the way to the Mostar from the Neum that we stayed in.
Red arrows show the two towns, and blue arrow shows the root.
The distance between the Mostar and the Neum is about 60 km.
We left at 9 A.M. on September 3, 2015, and arrived at 11 A.M.
It took much time, because we went through two checkpoints on the border.

上の地図:  ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナを示す。

下の地図: ホテルのあるネウムからモスタルへの道を示す。

About Mostar

1992-1995, Bosnia and Herzegovina was involved into Yugoslav Wars.
At this time, we have known the capital Sarajevo became the battlefield, and similar tragedy occurred in the Mostar, too.
Race of this nation consists of the most Muslims, subsequently a Croatian of the Christian, and a Serbian of the Greek Orthodox Church.
And this nation has a border with Croatia and Serbia.
By this, this Muslims suffered damage by ethnic cleansing by a Serbian at the time of Yugoslavia's collapse.


< 3.  Sceneries between the Neum and downstream of Neretva >
< 3. ネウムからネレトヴァ川の下流まで >

Upper photo:  People had been enjoying a marine vacation.
Central photo:  As going through a mountain pass, I saw a monastery (?) on the hill.
Lower photo:  The plains that spread out downstream of Neretva river.

上の写真:  リゾートを楽しむ人々の姿が見える。
中央の写真: 峠を通過中、丘の上に修道院(?)が見えた。
下の写真:  ネレトヴァ川の河口に広がる平野部。

< 4.  We were coming down to the plains >
< 4. 平野部に降りていく >

There are lots of dry mountains in this area, but this place is filled with green.

< 5.  Towns along the Neretva >
< 5. ネレトヴァ川沿いの街並み >

Upper photo:  I saw a mosque for the first time in this trip.
Graveyard of Islam is seen on the left side.

Central photo:  Neretva.
Lower photo:  Soccer seems popular.

上の写真: 今回の旅行で初めてモスクを見た。

中央の写真: ネレトヴァ川。
下の写真: サッカーが盛んなようです。

< 6.  We go into the mountain valley >
< 6. いよいよ川沿いに山間地へと上って行く >

People are growing grapes as hard as possible at the dry mountain area.


< 7.  Near Mostar >
< 7. モスタルに近づいた >

Central photo:  Graveyard of Christianity system.
Lower photo:  We can look at innumerable traces of big bullet on the outer wall of the apartment.

This continues next time.

中央の写真: キリスト教系の墓地です。
下の写真:  アパートの外壁に大きな銃弾の跡が無数に見える。


Friday, January 15, 2016

桂林を訪れました 13: 龍脊棚田 3



< 2. 村を行く >


< 3. 村の門 >


<4.橋の風情 >


< 5. 人々 >


< 6. 暮らし >

上の写真: 村の中央を流れる川の上流に共同の洗い場が見えます。

下の写真: 洗い場です。

< 7. 村の利器 >
上の写真: 洗い場。

左下の写真: 杵つき小屋。
右下の写真: 民家の床下の水車。


Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Glistening white Himeji Castle 2

白く輝く美しい姫路城 2


Today, I introduce the latter half of the Himeji Castle sightseeing.

< 2.  Views from the castle tower top floor >
< 2. 天守閣最上階からの眺め >

Upper photo:  The castle walls extending to the west are seen.
Central photo:  We can see the open space that was once a building ” Sannomaru”, and the moat to the left side.
Lower photo:  “Shachihoko” is placed on the end of the tile roof in the south side.
This statue is made from the head of a tiger and the body of a fish, it stands on its head, and it becomes a charm against evil.

上の写真: 西側に延びている曲輪(城壁)が見える。
中央の写真: 南側の三の丸広場、左側に堀が見える。
下の写真: “しゃちほこ”が南側にせり出した屋根に載っている。

< 3.  Inside the castle tower >
< 3. 天守閣内部 >

Upper photo:  The window side of the top floor.
Central photo:  The small shrine is seen in the center of the top floor.
Lower photo:  The first floor of the underground cannot get sunshine from windows.
Two large pillars are seen.

上の写真: 最上階の窓側。
中央の写真: 最上階の中央に神社の祠が見える。
下の写真: 最下層、窓の光がささない地下一階。

< 4.  Dignified appearance of the castle tower >
< 4. 天守閣の威容 >

Upper photo:  This castle tower consists of a main tower, and three small towers located around it.
One of those is seen to the left.

Central photo:  An expansion of the main tower.
Lower photo:  We can see the moat of the south side, and the main gate to the right side.

上の写真: 天守閣は大天守とその周りの三つの小天守からなります。

中央の写真: 大天守の拡大です。
下の写真: 城の南側の堀と右に大手門が見えます。

< 5.  The castle tower from “ Ninomaru” >
< 5.二の丸付近からの天守閣 >

About the Himeji Castle
The history began from a fort of Muromachi era in the 14th century, and military strategist Kanbei Kuroda built the castle here in the last of the age of provincial wars.
After that, lords of the castle changed on several occasions, but the present castle tower leaves a figure of the Edo era.
The castle’ buildings were built as swirling around the main building “ Honmaru” being near the castle tower on a small hill of big plain.
A distance between the east and the west of the moat surrounding the castle is approximately 500m.

It was very fine.
The admission fee of New Year's Day was free, there were not the traffic jam of the road, so we could enjoy.
Our castle sightseeing was two hours from 9:00.
I am going to visit again when the cherry tree blooms.



Friday, January 8, 2016

Glistening white Himeji Castle 1

白く輝く美しい姫路城 1

< 1.  Himeji Castle >
< 1. 姫路城 >

Today, I introduce Himeji Castle.
I visited the Himeji Castle after major renovations on New Year's Day.
This is called another name as "White Egret Castle”, and is a world's cultural heritage and a national treasure.
It is an extreme of the Japanese tradition beauty


< 2.  The past and present of the Himeji Castle >
< 2.姫路城の今昔 >

Upper fig.:  A picture of the Himeji Castle of the early Meiji period.
Lower photo:  The aerial photograph before the renovations in 2007.
The top of the both pictures indicates the north, the moat is seen at the under side, and Ote-mon Gate (main gate) is seen at the center of it.

上の図: 明治初期の姫路城の絵。
下の写真: 大修理前、2007年の航空写真。

< 3.  The Himeji Castle and the castle tower >
< 3. 姫路城と天守閣 >

Upper map:  A red line shows my visiting route to the castle tower, and a blue line does it from the castle tower.
We can go up to the top floor of the castle tower.
The top of the map is the north direction.

Lower fig.:  It shows the structure of the castle tower.
The structure of the castle tower becomes a building built on the stone wall of 15m in height that has six floors and is 32m in height, and then there is the first floor within the stone wall.  
This is the best wooden building in all Japan, and two "large pillars" of about 1m in the root diameter are 25m in height, and penetrate through this wooden building from the basement to the fifth floor.

The castle tower was increased the white remarkably by virtue of the roofing tiles and plaster coatings having been repaired entirely in "Restoration of Heisei".

上の図: 赤線が天守閣まで、青線が天守閣からの見学ルートを示します。

下の図: 天守閣の構造を示します。


< 4.  Finally, I entry into the castle
< 4. いよいよ入城 >

Upper photo:  I pass through Ote-mon Gate, and get a panoramic view of the Himeji Castle from the open space.
Lower photo:  I pass through an entrance gate, and enter the first castle gate "Diamond Gate".

上の写真: 大手門を抜けて、広場から姫路城の全景を望む。
下の写真: 入城口を抜けて、最初の城門「菱の門」に入る。


< 6.  Finally, I entry into to the castle tower >
< 6. いよいよ天守閣へ >

Upper photo:  I stand just under the castle tower.
I go into the building soon.

Lower photo:  I overlook the west side from the window of the lower floor of the castle tower.

上の写真: 天守閣の直ぐ下。

下の写真: 天守閣下層の窓から西側を見下ろす。

< 7.  Inside the castle tower 1 >
< 7. 天守閣内 1 >
These are pictures of the 1st floor or 2nd floor.
There were many visitors, so we had to wait our turn for going up on this floor.

Seeing this wooden construction, I could feel that many samurais walked through the passageway for several hundred years.



< 8.  Inside the castle tower 2 >
< 8. 天守閣内 2 >

Furthermore, I am going to the top floor.
Central photo:  “ West large pillar” is seen in the photo, and it is one of “large pillar”.
This floor is the 5th floor, and the part is the top of the pillar.
The iron plate seen in the photo seems the sliding prevention of the pillar.

This continues next time.

中央の写真: 「西大柱」が見えます、これは「大柱」の一本です。


Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Winter Awaji-island: Suntopia Marina

冬の淡路島 : サントピアマリーナ


< 1. Suntopia marina >
< 1. サントピアマリーナ >

Today, I introduce a resort area in a sore of southeastern Awaji-island.
It is Suntopia Marina and Sumoto Hot Spring mainly.
I visited here at 10:00 – 11:30 A.M. on December 20.



< 2. Suntopia marina >
< 2.サントピアマリーナ >

This aria is in the Seto Inland Sea National Park, and is sandwiched between a mountain and a seashore facing Tomoga-Island Channel.
There is the Sumoto Hot Spring immediately, and Yura port in the south end.
It is the largest resort area in Awaji-island, and has a big yacht harbor, many tennis courts, hotels, and resort apartment buildings.
Around this area, people can enjoy fishing, yacht, tennis, hot spring, and seafoods with the family.
When my children were small, I came here with my family well, too.


< 3.  The views of Osaka bay from Suntopia marina >
< 3. サントピアマリーナから大阪湾 >
Upper photo:  I saw the south side from the outer edge of the Suntopia marina.
The part that there aren’t islands on the distant sea is the Tomoga-island Channel.

Central photo:  A fishing boat.
Lower photo:  I saw the north side.
The north end of Awaji-island can be seen in the distance.

上の写真: サントピアマリーナの外縁から南側を望む。

中央の写真: 釣り船。
下の写真: 北側を望む。

< 4.  The views of the Sumoto Hot Spring from Suntopia marina  >
< 4. サントピアマリーナから洲本温泉 >

We can overlook the Sumoto Hot Spring facing the Osaka bay from here.

< 5.  The Tomoga-island Channel >
< 5. 友が島水道 >

The photographing is from the shore of the south side of the Suntopia marina.
Upper photo:  We can see the Yura Port and the Narug-Island at the end of the shoreline.
One black thing is seen on the sea surface.

Lower photo:  The black thing mentioned above was a diver diving in without diving equipment.
Probably he caught shellfishes.

Blessed with beautiful weather, I strolled in the Suntopia marina, and then had lunch in a hotel of the Sumoto Hot Spring.
It was a calm day in winter.

上の写真: 海岸線の果てに由良港と成ケ島が見える。

下の写真: 上記の黒い点は素潜り漁をするダイバーでした。
