Sunday, March 31, 2013

Dwelling like fort of amazement ; Fujian Tulou(clay tower) in China

Appearance of typical Tulou 

 Appearance of typical Tulou 

We asked the strange building in south China.

The clayey buildings have been inscribed in 2008 by UNESCO as World Heritage Site.



Red point shows Fujian Tulou. It is in Fujian of southeastern China.

 Red point shows Fujian Tulou. It is in Fujian of southeastern China. 

Early October 2004, my friend of Xiamen guided us around it.

We got in the friend's new car and left the street in Xiamen, and passed through pastoral land or country towns at high speed.

Before long, we went into the mountain slope that enclosed with many terraced fields, and went up the winding bumpy road.

4 hour had Already passed, as the altitude became near 1000 m, our car stopped at last.

For the first time, we saw the Tulou below one's eyes from the mountain path.





Tianluokeng Tulou cluster, The square Buyunlou at the center

< Tianluokeng Tulou cluster, The square Buyunlou at the center

On a deep place between mountains, the building cluster were standing quietly, and white smoke had risen from it.

We descended the steep slope that was full of the crop of autumn.

Nostalgic smell and atmosphere that bring back old memories had been drifting at there.




Inner portion of Buyunlou. It rebuilt in about 60 years ago after a fire

 Inner portion of Buyunlou. It rebuilt in about 60 years ago after a fire.

It is three stories high, has about 80 rooms, and a go around corridor in front of the rooms at each level.

This resident were all Huang (yellow) family.

People just were just cooking and washing in a courtyard, and had kept some hens and ducks.

People were preparing a marriage ceremony busily.





persons were making the sweets of the marriage ceremony

 persons were making the sweets of the marriage ceremony. >

I got the white rice cake and ate it. It wasn't used sweeteners entirely.




Outside the building, various crops of autumn had being dried in the sun.

Probably, their life was self-sufficiency since they were isolated from the circumference.



The situation of a life

 The situation of a life 

One man was boiling up the sausage in the courtyard.

Each room was very small in the same size, and filled with a bed and traditional cooking stoves, respectively.

They are equal, share thing with resident, and are living together cohesively.

Their consciousness has begun from the time of birth of this building.





The scheme of Tulou


 other Tulou 

< other Tulou >

Tulou exceeding 20,000 are scattered on the valley of mountainous area in Fujian.

The feature of the structure is that clay wall(about 2m in thickness)  covered the outer circumference, and small entrance of a door that was reinforced with iron plate is only one.

And top story of the building has gun holes for defensive purposes.

These began to be built from around the 12th century.

Those days, the armed bandits were raging.

Then, a family built a fort on the mountain for protected from the enemy in cooperation.

In this way, there was the warmth of the communal society that had completely lost in the city in here.








Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Birth of primitive art 11 : primitive arts of American continent

stone colossal head, 176cm in height, Mexico, about 3200 years ago

< map No.2, stonecolossal head, 176cm in height, Mexico, about 3200 years ago >

This time, it is last to introduce primitive arts over the world.

I take a brief look at the oldest fine arts in American continent and the beginning of Inca and Mayan civilization.



American continent

 < American continent, area of the oldest fine arts are red 1, 4.  area of ancient civilization are yellow. No. 2 shows Mayan and Aztec. No.3. shows Inca. 

Human beings advance into American continent at first time by way of Alaska about 15000 years ago.
They arrived at the southernmost end of South America after thousands years.

Therefore, the footprint of the human beings in this continent will become comparatively new.



Toquepala cave ruin, about 9500 years ago, Peru

 < map No.4, Toquepala cave ruin, about 9500 years ago, Peru

The oldest rock art in American continent is the mural painting in this cave.

This cave is in the middle of the Andes, and the altitude of 2700 m.

The picture shows a situation of hunting that some people drive the animals like camel into a fence.

The picture was drawn with pigment of red, yellow, green, black, and white.





the Andes can be seen in the distance

 < the Andes can be seen in the distance. >

There is large plateau in the middle of the mountain range of the Andes at a level of 4000 meters.

First farming started in there after that, and Inca civilization was born.

Machu Picchu that is often called the city in the sky is slightly 200km from Toquepala cave. It is altitude of 2430 m.



, human figure and lizard, Coso rock art, Eastern California, from 10000 to 1000 years ago,

 <  Map No.1, human figure and lizard, Coso rock art, Eastern California, from 10000 to 1000 years ago, by Bradshaw foundation  >

Rock arts in this area are close to 100,000.

The representational figures consist of animals such as bighorn sheep, and animal-human conflations.  They are drawn by sculpture.



bards and deer, Baja California

< Map No.1, bards and deer, Baja California, by Bradshaw foundation 

Rock arts of this area began to be drawn from about 7000 years ago, and the person and the animal were drawn.


the above rock art was drawn on this rock shadow, Baja California,

< Map No.1, the above rock art was drawn on this rock shadow, Baja California, by Bradshaw foundation 

Many of rock arts in North America are in mountain range, and it are many dried places now.

Hunter-gatherers drew them.



The dawn of ancient civilization

before longas a settled agriculture started in the central part of American continent and the central Andes, new fine arts was born.

A stone carving of infographic topping is representative art of Olmeca civilization that was first born in the central part of American continent.

Although earthenware, the clay figure, and the jade figure also were made in there, colossal head in stone is unique.

This stone colossal head was set up religious service center ruins including a pyramid.

Probably, it was a monument in which influence of a person of power was shown.

Then, it developed into Mayan and Aztec civilization.







human figure and human head, 3m in high, Cerro Sechin, about 3800 years ago, Peru

 < Map No.3, human figure and human head, 3m in high, Cerro Sechin, about 3800 years ago, Peru

This ruin is one of the ruins that became a forerunner of the Inca civilization in the central Andes.

These images were engraved by lines on slates that surround the foundation of the shrine made from brick.

Although earthenware, the clay figures also were made in there, much later, gold work became very famous.

In this way, primitive fine arts in American continent developed into the fine arts of civilization.

From next time, we will look at the mystery and meaning of primitive fine arts birth that we have seen until now.






Saturday, March 23, 2013

Birth of primitive art 10 : primitive arts of East Asia

 flame-like earthenware, Niigata Prefecture, japan, About 5000 years ago

< flame-like earthenware, Niigata Prefecture, japan, About 5000 years ago >

This time, we look at primitive fine arts of Japan and China.

The characteristic fine arts will teach us the life of the primitive.



left, The oldest clay figure, about 6cm in height, Ibaraki Prefecture, about 8000 years ago. right, a clay figure is called ” Venus” , Nagano Prefecture, 27cm in height, about 5000 years ago.

< left, The oldest clay figure, about 6cm in height, Ibaraki Prefecture, about 8000 years ago. right, a clay figure is called ” Venus” , Nagano Prefecture, 27cm in height, about 5000 years ago. >

The world’s first earthenware was made in Japanese Islands at 12000 years ago.

In those days the people settled in a place while they were hunting, gathering and fishing, because blessings of nature were rich.

It enabled manufacture of the earthenware and the clay figures.

The clay figures had continued to be made for about 8000 years, and it was over as wet-rice farming was popular.

Above-mentioned the oldest clay figure resembles the Venus image of about 15000 years ago in Siberia. ( refer to “Birth of primitive art 3”)

In the last half of this epoch, the characteristics of woman became to be inconspicuous from the clay figures.

And decoration and deformation became to be conspicuous.

Then realistic animal clay figures also became to be made.

Although the excavated clay figures totaled about 15000, these have damaged almost.

Perhaps, people broke them intentionally for the purpose of the prayer.







big eyes clay figure, Aomori Prefecture, about 3000~2300 years ago 

< big eyes clay figure, Aomori Prefecture, about 30002300 years ago >

This is one of clay figures in the last half of this epoch. Its eyes are emphasized.


the oldest kinds of earthenware 

< the oldest kinds of earthenware >

Although earthenware was made for cooking, before long, its ornament became to be important.

A flame-like earthenware of infographic topping had appeared suddenly, and disappeared after about 1000 years.

This is considered to be a thing for not daily necessities but religious service.




The feature of these fine arts

In primitive fine arts of Japan, there are neither realistic drawing nor life scenes almost.

Of course, there is neither cave mural paintings nor big lock arts.

Probably, the reason depends to a large extent on the settled life and hunting small animals and gathering nuts.

The clay figures and earthenware that was made of clay were in close contact with their lives.

While every locations interplay, these fine arts grew on the whole in Japan islands. Those days, a royal power did not exist.







What place was Japanese Island that developed these?

The places where typical clay figures and earthenware were made are Nagano Prefecture and Niigata Prefecture, and there are at the center of the Japanese Islands.



a clay figure of ” Venus” was excavated on this plateau area. Nagano Prefecture 

a clay figure of ” Venus” was excavated on this plateau area. Nagano Prefecture >

People in those days also lived on the vast brush or the foot of the mountains.


a reproduction of house in those days 

< a reproduction of house in those days >

People in those days lived in this like thatched hut by one family.

One village consisted of from some families to hundreds of persons.


Primitive fine arts of China.

Chinese earthenware was made at the same time as wet rice culture started 10,000 years ago.

A little late, the female clay figure was also made.



left, earthenware was pictured with fish images, about 7000 years ago, middle reach of the Hwang.  Right, a figure of jade, about 8.6 cm in high, lower reach of Chang Jiang, about 5500 years ago

< left, earthenware was pictured with fish images, about 7000 years ago, middle reach of the Hwang.  Right, a figure of jade, about 8.6 cm in high, lower reach of Chang Jiang, about 5500 years ago 

The surface of this earthenware was pictured with fish images, hoping to be plentiful.

This figure is burial goods and was sewn to religious leader clothing.

After that, in China, products of jade and the bronze ware that began from the second 
millennium B.C., became the gorgeous mainstream of fine arts

Thus, in East Asia, primitive arts that are a different from other areas was born.

Next time, we look at the fine arts in American continent.




