Friday, October 30, 2015

The society and the information 59: News media has fought 16

社会と情報 59: 戦った報道 16

< 1.  A village serviced a flesh trade in about 1930  >
< 1.1930年頃、村が身売りを斡旋。  >

From now on, we look at the economic background that newspapers changed in.
It is we confirm that people became to affirm a continent invasion due to some economic factor.


< 2.  A battle of the northern part of China in 1933  >
< 2.1933年、中国北部での熱河作戦。  >


Previously, at this serialization “News media has fought 11”, we know that the Japanese local reporter sympathized with ringleader Kanji Ishihara of the Manchurian Incident and had thought “ We need to take the northern part of China for the solution of Japanese population and food problem”.

In those days, people were under the situation that the economy and life grew worse and worse, and had faced an uncertain future.
Radical elements had advocated the continent invasion as the solution, and people came to agree it.

既に「戦った報道 11」で、当時、朝日の現地記者が満州事変の首謀者石原莞爾に共感しており、「日本の人口問題と食糧問題の解決には満蒙大陸が必要である」と考えていたことを見ました。


< 3.  The government expenditure of Japan >
< 3.財政支出の推移 >
Legend:  A, C, D and E of color frames indicate the following “ Main points”.
Other graphs are similar, too.
A thin broken line indicates  “government expenditure/GDP”, and a solid line does government expenditure.


Main points

I selected main economic problems that occurred from the 1900s to the 1930s.

Problem A: The government was not able to respond successfully to vast war expenditures that continue to increase from the 1890s.
Problem B: People came to promote discontent due to chronic rice deficit, a surplus population, an expanding disparity in wealth, and increasing in the awareness of entitlement of worker.
Problem C: In the late 1910s, big prosperity was brought on by World War I, but the reaction will deteriorate society and economy more.
Problem D: In the 1920s, Japanese economy suffered unprecedented aggravations that are the depression after World War I, the Great Kanto Earthquake, the banking crisis, the Great Depression.



Development E: In 1931, Japan caused the Manchurian Incident and got the northern part of China, and built up the Empire of Japan that contained Korean Peninsula and Taiwan.
Western great powers had stagnated all economy and trade due to the independence of their colonies after World War I, and the Great Depression.

Meanwhile, Japan increased the trade in Asia including China and first accomplished the economic recovery in the world.
Japan seemed to almost have evaded mentioned problem A, B, C, D.
As a result, in 1940, Japan conspicuously accomplished the economic growth and was near the United States and the U.K., and became the major economic power comparing with Germany.


< 4. Changes of each nations GDP, it used a GDP of 1929(the Great Depression ) as 100 >
< 4.GDPの推移、世界恐慌の1929年を100として指数化。 >

Japanese GDP (red line) suddenly increased from the Manchurian Incident, as disregarding Western great powers except the Soviet Union (orange line).


< 5. Change of world trade >
< 5. 世界貿易の推移 >
After the Great Depression, the world trade decreased in 1/3.

< 6. Changes of each colony trade >
< 6. 植民地貿易額の推移 >
Legend:  A yellow line is the colony trade amount of Japan.
After the Great Depression, each colony trade amount reduced to half in the U.K. (solid line), and remained unchanged in France (dashed line), but Japan increased than four times after the Manchurian Incident.


What is important?

Why did people concentrate their hopes on the continent invasion even with exchanging it for the dangerous war expansion?
Did the continent invasion rescue the people from the economic deterioration that they expected to?
I narrow down this difficult economic background to several points and easily confirm it.

On the next time, we look at "Problems that was caused by collecting funding for war" that is relatively unknown.



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