Saturday, July 4, 2015

Go around the world of Buddha statues 23: The beginning of God statue in China 1

仏像を巡って 23: 中国の神像の始まり 1

< 1. a sacred place of Taoism in Nanjing   >
< 1.道教の聖地茅山、江蘇省(南京)   >

From now on, in seven times, we see how Chinese god statue was born.
There had been rich myth in China, Taoism was connected to foreign Buddhism and the statue took shape before long.
There is certain universal and mysterious relation between human being and religions in it.
We look through about 10,000 years from prehistoric times to the 7th century.
This time, I introduce the birth of Chinese civilization simply.


< 2.  Things that Chinese ancient civilization created >
< 2.中国古代文明が生み出したもの >b.
A left fig.: a bronze ware of Yin dynasty in the later half of the 2nd millennium B.C.
A central fig.: founder Confucius of Confucianism in the 6th century B.C.
A right fig.: a soldier figures in the mausoleum of the first Qin Emperor in the 3rdcentury B.C.



Chinese person statue also began from Venus or clay dolls on an equality with the other world.
Chinese god statues were born before long, but the way is so long.

In Chinese religion, Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism played an important part.
Buddhism is a foreign religion from India, and Confucianism began in a sacred book of the morality that Confucius advocated in the sixth century B.C.
But Taoism is a religion that was born with gathering together the shamanism and thoughts of an immortality and supernatural being in various Chinese regions.
Therefore, very many myths were mixed in Taoism, and a large number of gods are included in it.



< Map 3. this map shows the areas from Neolithic cultures to early dynasties during 5000 – 1000 B.C. >
< 3. 新石器文化から初期王朝の地図、BC5000BC1000頃 >

The development of early Chinese civilization

A rice harvest culture began in the midstream of the Yangtze River in about 10000 B.C., and the agriculture and the earthenware making went north along with spreading all over.
On the other hand, foreign cultures came in from north side at first, and after that, from northwest side. 
The former means mainly the northward of Beijing, and stone dolls like Venus of the glacial epoch appeared first in about 7000 B.C., and it was expanding southward.
After that, China suffered the invasion of the northern peoples many times.
The latter means the westward of Xian, and western civilization came via central Asia.
The vestige became clear about first millennium B.C.
After that, the area played an important part as the trade route Silk Road.


< Map 4.  Xia was first dynasty in Chain and is shown with a bitter orange color  >
< 4. 中国最初の王朝「夏」の誕生、橙色が「夏」の領域 >

Chinese early dynasties were born in the midstream of the Yellow River due to the movement of the three cultures and peoples mentioned above.
At first, Xia dynasty was born in second millennium B.C., and following this, all dynasties till Han dynasty put a stronghold in this area.
The people who had lived in this area (a bitter orange color part of Map 4) professed to be Han Chinese later.


< Map 5.  the area of Han dynasty >
< 5. 漢の領域、ブログ「地球人の歴史」より借用 >
A red line shows the first ambit, and a yellow line shows the max ambit, during 202 B.C. and 220 A.D.

Thus Chinese civilization was born and expanded.
On the next time, we look at the myth in China.



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